Hazing Policies: Northern Kentucky University, Greater Cincinnati Region
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Hazing Policies


Northern Kentucky University Administrative Regulations
Date Effective: 9/10/1986

Prohibition of Hazing


In accordance with the Commonwealth of Kentucky General Assembly, House Bill 325, Northern Kentucky University prohibits any action or situation which recklessly or intentionally endangers mental or physical health or involves the forced consumption of liquor or drugs for the purpose of initiation into or affiliation with any organization.

Penalties for violation of the above policy shall include but are not limited to the following:

1.  Student violators will be subject to suspension or expulsion from the University or other appropriate disciplinary action in accordance with the Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities.

2.  Faculty and staff violators will be subject to possible loss of employment or other appropriate disciplinary action in accordance with the Faculty Policies and Procedures Handbook, Salmon P. Chase College of Law Faculty Handbook, Handbook for Department Chairpersons, and Personnel Policy and Procedures Manual.

3.  Faculty, staff, or student organizations which authorize actions which violate this policy shall lose University authorization to operate on campus property.

4.  Visitors, licensees, and invitees to Northern Kentucky University who violate this policy will be ejected from University property and may be subject to prosecution.

Student Organization Handbook Prohibition on Hazing


Northern Kentucky University prohibits any action or situation that recklessly or intentionally endangers mental or physical health or involves the forced consumption of liquor or drugs for the purpose of initiation into or affiliation with any organization. Penalties for violation of the hazing policy shall include but are not limited to:

1.  Student violators will be subject to possible suspension or expulsion from the University or other appropriate disciplinary action in accordance with the Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities.

2.  Faculty and staff violators will be subject to possible loss of employment from the University or other action in accordance with the Faculty Policies and Procedures Handbook, Salmon P. Chase College of Law Faculty Handbook, Handbook for Department Chairpersons, and personnel Policy and Procedures Manual.

3.  Faculty, staff or student organization that authorize or contribute to actions that violate this policy shall lose University authorization to operate on campus property. Officers of such organizations may be held individually responsible for the actions of their organizations.

4.  Visitors, licensees, and invitees to Northern Kentucky University who violate this policy will be removed from University property and may be subject to prosecution.


1.  Subtle Hazing: Actions that are against accepted organization standards of conduct, behavior and good tastes. An activity or attitude directed toward a prospective member or member or an act which ridicules, humiliates or embarrasses. Examples include:

·  Ignoring or ostracizing or publicly shunning a member or prospective member(s)

·  Calling prospective members demeaning names or requiring prospective members to call members Mr., Miss, etc.

·  Silence periods for prospective members

·  Deprivation of privileges granted to other members

·  Socially isolating new members

·  Line-ups and Drills/Tests on meaningless information

·  Expecting certain items to always be in one’s possession

·  Any form of demerits

2.  Harassment Hazing: Anything that causes mental or physical discomfort to the prospective member or members. Any activity directed toward a prospective member or activity which confuses, frustrates or causes undue stress. Examples include:

·  Verbal abuse

·  Sleep deprivation

·  Any form of questioning under pressure or in an uncomfortable position

·  Requiring prospective members to wear ridiculous costumes or perform ridiculous activities

·  Requiring only prospective members to enter by back door or go up back staircase or limiting access to facilities

·  Stunt or skit nights/events with demeaning and/or crude skits and/or poems

·  Requiring prospective members to perform personal service to actives such as carrying books, running errands, performing maid duties, etc.

·  Expecting new members to be deprived of maintaining a normal schedule of bodily cleanliness

3.  VIOLENT HAZING: Anything that causes physical and/or emotional harm. Examples include:

·  Forced consumption or use of food, beverages (especially alcohol) or any other substance

·  Excessive exercise

·  Sexual violation

·  Assault including paddling, beating

·  Burning or Brandings

·  Bondage

·  Abductions/kidnaps

Hazing is against state, federal, and local laws. Hazing hotline phone number: 1-888-NOTHAZE (1-888-668-4293).

You will not have to identify yourself at any time.
