It is the student’s responsibility to pay all tuition, housing, and fees in full by the first day of the semester. Eligible students have the option to enroll into the NKU Installment Plan for a $90 fee. This fee is non-refundable. Students whose balance is not paid by the posted due date or installment plan due date are subject to a 1.5% monthly account maintenance fee on their outstanding balance. Students receive account statements regularly in their NKU email detailing their account activity. It is the student’s responsibility to monitor their MyNKU account and NKU email. Per the NKU Registration Agreement: Northern Kentucky University's official method of correspondence with students is via their NKU assigned email address.
A petition does not guarantee removal of any or all fees. If approved, a credit will be posted to the account and any refund due will be sent following the regular refund schedule, typically 7 days later. Please allow up to 2 weeks for committee review. You will be notified via NKU email of the committee’s decision. All decisions are final.
Fee petitions cannot be accepted in person, by phone, or by email. The deadline to petition a fee is one year from the date that the fee was initially assessed.
If you wish to file a petition, please complete the Fee Petition Form.
A student may experience a life altering event or other extenuating circumstance beyond his or her control that prevents the student’s continued class attendance at Northern Kentucky University. The student may be eligible to receive a full tuition adjustment by submitting a completed Tuition Appeals Form and supporting documents, no later than one year past the starting date of the semester in which the student is appealing. Delinquent accounts that have been placed with the KY Department of Revenue for collections cannot be appealed. Please note that an approved academic Retroactive Late Withdrawal (current or late) is not sufficient grounds for a Tuition Appeal. The one year timeline for tuition appeals will be enforced.
An appeal for Tuition Refund may be submitted only once per semester no matter the reason, so justification documentation must include all related factors or medical issues. Reoccurring medical conditions are limited to one-time-only exceptions for each documented case. All committee decisions are final.
The Northern Kentucky University Tuition and Fees Appeals Committee will review a request for full tuition and fee reimbursement, provided the student meets the requirements set forth in the policy statement.
The university will only consider tuition appeals for:
1. Documented medical situation involving a student or an immediate family member that prevented the student from completing the course.
2. Documented institutional error.
Appeals based on medical circumstances, must be documented by the attending physician, who will complete and sign the medical documentation form. The medical documentation form must be completed in its entirety. This documentation must include:
• The date of onset of the illness
• The date the student sought treatment for this illness
• A brief summary of the illness
• A specific diagnosis
• A description of the impact that the medical condition had on the student's ability to attend classes or perform class requirements and whether or not it was medically necessary to discontinue studies as a result, including the date or time period of recommended rest or discontinuation of studies.
Medical documentation must satisfy all of the above requirements and must be mailed or faxed directly from the medical office to Student Account Services. Medical documentation delivered by the student or family member will not be accepted. The committee will not accept or consider copies of insurance forms, bills, explanation of benefits (EOB) forms, hospital records or physician's medical records.
Tuition/Fee Adjustment Appeals may be considered for the following extenuating circumstances when the appropriate supporting documentation is provided:
• Medical incidents based on physical injury/illness or mental illness of the student (including hospitalization)--documented by a physician's statement on NKU’s approved medical documentation form and any additional medical support on official physician letterhead, faxed or mailed directly from medical office to Student Account Services.
• Physical or mental illness of the student's immediate family member (including hospitalization)--documented by a physician's statement on NKU’s approved medical documentation form and any additional medical support on official physician letterhead, faxed or mailed directly from medical office to Student Account Services.
• Death of a student's immediate family member. o Immediate family is defined as:
Institutional Error that interfered with student’s completion of academic requirements or attendance to class. Institutional error must be documented by a university official, describing the circumstances that led to the error.
Tuition/Fee Adjustment Appeals cannot be considered in the following instances:
• Personal errors in judgment or irresponsibility involving transportation, availability of finances, academic ability, or time management.
• Misinterpretation or lack of knowledge of University policies and/or procedures.
• Dissatisfaction with instructor, course content, or delivery of instruction.
• Dissatisfaction with academic progress in course.
• Appeals of non-refundable/mandatory fees.
• Non-attendance or minimal attendance of class.
• Inadequate investigation of course requirements prior to registration and attendance.
• Non-qualification, late application, or loss of eligibility for financial aid or scholarships.
• Requests to defer tuition payment to next semester charges.
• Non-receipt of mail due to obsolete/incorrect address on file with the Office of the University Registrar.
• Failures to activate or maintain your official NKU e-mail account.
• Student errors resulting in the delay of administrative processes relative to registration or the delivery of financial aid funds.
• Voluntary acceptance of employment, changes in work schedule or assignments, loss of employment or other activity impacting ability to attend classes.
• Perceived/undefined/unsupported/undocumented “computer issues”
• Loss of employment
• Incarceration
The student must officially withdraw from courses before an appeal will be considered. All tuition appeals are referred to the Tuition and Fees Appeal Committee. This committee is comprised of representatives from Vice Provost for Undergraduate Academic Affairs, Student Account Services, Registrar, Admissions, faculty, student body, and other departments as deemed appropriate per the appeal. Depending upon the complexity of the appeal and receipt of all supporting documentation the processing times may vary. Should additional documentation be required, student will be given fifteen (15) days to submit said documentation. If deadline is not met, the Committee will conduct a final review and make a decision based on the previously submitted documentation. Students interested in registering for future terms or in need of transcripts should be mindful of processing time, as hold(s) remain intact.
All appeals (Undergraduate, Graduate and Chase Law) must be submitted utilizing the Tuition Appeal Form and provide supporting documentation. All appeals must be received by the Tuition Appeals Committee no later than one year past the starting date of the semester for which the student is appealing the tuition charge. Delinquent accounts that have been placed with the KY Department of Revenue for collections cannot be appealed.
If you believe that you meet the above requirements, please send your Tuition Appeal packet to:
Student Account Services
Attn: Tuition Appeals Committee
5320 Campus Drive, AC 235
Highland Heights, KY 41099