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There are three student organizations on campus that are centered on sustainability as one of their main themes: ECOS (Environmentally Concerned Organization of Students), Blue Flannel Club, and NKY Sunrise.

ECOS: According to the organization’s webpage, “ECOS is committed to local environmental activism and education on and off campus” and devotes itself to fostering a greener perspective in whatever its members are involved in. If you are interested in joining ECOS, please visit their webpage here

HIKING CLUB: The Hiking Club is an organization that focuses on enjoying and giving back to the great outdoors. They regularly take group hiking excursions, plant trees in the community, and participate in other environmentally beneficial activities, like stream restoration. If you are interested in joining the Hiking Club, please visit their OrgSync page here

NKY SUNRISE: Sunrise Movement is a group of 400+ hubs across the nation that focus on championing supporters of the Green New Deal. Sunrise holds events across campus that offer information about environmental action in the political landscape.