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Construction Alert—Concrete Work on Steely Library Plaza

As a part of ongoing efforts to keep our campus beautiful and safe, the plaza area in front of Steely Library will be repaired during the coming weeks. Mobilization for this work will begin on Wednesday, February 14, 2024. Weather permitting, the demo work will begin by the end of this week. The project is expected to be completed before Commencement.

The work consists of removing old broken concrete (see yellow areas in map below) in front of the plaza sidewalk and replacing it with new concrete. Please note that the areas highlighted in yellow will remain closed during construction. However, access to Steely Library, its classrooms and Einstein’s Bagels will remain open.

Questions and concerns related to this project may be directed to Project Manager Rodney Thiemann at (859) 572-1989 or Thank you for your


Construction Alert—Campbell Hall Roof Restoration

Work to restore the roof at Campbell Hall is scheduled to begin on Monday, October 23, and continue through November as weather permits. Construction activities will stop in December and resume in the spring. 

This work includes repairing, cleaning and installing a new reinforced membrane over the roof. Construction activities throughout the restoration may cause noise, dust and odors, which could be disruptive or inconvenient.  While we will try our best to minimize these disruptions, your patience and cooperation will be greatly appreciated. 

 If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Paul Hundemer at (859) 572-5295.


Construction Alert: Business Academic Center (BC)

Work to replace sealants on the Business Academic Center (BC) is scheduled to begin Monday, Oct. 16 and continue through November as weather permits. Construction activities will stop in December and resume in the spring. This work includes
re-caulking, cleaning, and sealing the exterior walls. Construction activities will be performed off of lifts and scaffolding suspended from the roof. These activities may cause noise, which could be disruptive or inconvenient. While we will try our best to minimize these disruptions, your patience and cooperation will be greatly appreciated. The contractor will first begin cleaning the North Elevation of BC and move clockwise around the building. Barricades will be placed around all construction areas. If you have questions or concerns, please feel free to contact Paul Hundemer at (859) 572-5295.



Severe Weather Alert — Sub-Zero Temperatures Expected Next Week

As part of our commitment to your safety and well-being, we would like to inform you about an impending severe weather event. Sub-zero temperatures are anticipated in the coming days, posing potential risks to health and property. Please take the following precautions to ensure your safety and comfort during this extreme weather:

  • Close doors and windows: Ensure that all doors and windows are securely closed to prevent the penetration of cold air into your living spaces. This will help maintain a warmer and safer indoor environment.  
  • Maintain thermostats at 65 degrees Fahrenheit: Set your thermostats to a minimum temperature of 65 degrees Fahrenheit (18 degrees Celsius) to provide a comfortable and safe living environment. This will also help prevent freezing of pipes and other potential cold-related issues.  
  • Check heating systems: Verify that your heating systems are in good working condition. If you encounter any issues, please submit a Maintenance Request or for emergency situations contact, Work Control during normal business hours at (859) 572-5660 or Power Plant after hours at (859) 572-5548.  
  • Emergency kit preparation: Assemble an emergency kit containing essential items such as blankets, non-perishable food, water, medications, flashlights, and batteries. Be prepared for potential power outages.  
  • Limit outdoor activities: Minimize outdoor activities, especially during the coldest parts of the day. If you must go outside, dress in layers, including a hat, gloves, and a warm coat.  
  • Keep fire lanes clear: Ensure that fire lanes are kept clear of vehicles and obstacles to allow for quick and unobstructed access for emergency services. This is crucial for your safety and the safety of your community.
  • Stay informed: Keep yourself informed about the weather conditions through reliable sources. Monitor local news, weather forecasts, and official advisories for any updates or changes. University closing or delay information will be available through the following media: Norse Alert, local radio and TV, NKU social media and
  • Assist neighbors: Check on neighbors to ensure they are also taking necessary precautions and help if needed.

Remember, your safety is our top priority. Please follow these guidelines to mitigate the impact of the severe weather conditions. As always, call 911 in case of an emergency.

Stay warm and stay safe.


Power Interruption Protocol

In the event of a significant campus-wide power interruption, Northern Kentucky University has emergency generators that will supply emergency power to designated areas on campus. To report a minor localized power disruption, contact Facilities Management at (859) 572-5548 or (859) 572-5660. Ensure that flashlights and batteries are strategically placed in key locations within your work areas (note that most phones double as a flashlight).

In the case of a major power outage:

  • Maintain composure and adhere to instructions provided by Facilities Management for immediate action.
  • If evacuation of the building is necessary, assist individuals with disabilities and provide support.
  • Power down electrical equipment and appliances.
  • Laboratory personnel must secure all experiments and disconnect electrical equipment before evacuating, with all chemicals stored in their original locations.
  • Rely on flashlights and cell phones for emergency lighting, avoiding the use of open flames.
  • Disconnect all electrical equipment, including computers, and switch off all light switches.
  • Avoid elevator use. If trapped in an elevator during a power outage, stay calm, press the emergency button and/or telephone to alert University Police, and follow directives from University Police and Facilities personnel.
  • Emergency lighting along exit pathways will remain operational following a power outage.
  • In areas with limited natural light, evacuate promptly.
  • During an outage, access to buildings will be strictly limited to essential personnel and first responders.

After the power is restored:

  • Verify that all equipment has restarted correctly.
  • Inform your building manager or contact Work Control at (859) 572-5660 of any equipment that fails to restart, as a circuit breaker may need resetting.


Winter Safety Advisory

The onset of winter weather elevates the potential for various hazards, including car accidents, hypothermia, frostbite, carbon monoxide poisoning, and overexertion-induced heart attacks. When venturing outdoors in extremely cold conditions, ensure both you and your staff are adequately prepared. Dress in layers, covering exposed skin to minimize the risk of frostbite or hypothermia. Choose footwear with reliable traction to mitigate slips on icy surfaces and seek shelter from the wind.

Upon reentering indoor spaces, promptly change into dry clothing if you happen to be wet. Be watchful for signs of frostbite and hypothermia. Maintain hydration by consuming ample fluids, as increased blood volume helps prevent frostbite. Consider moderating your caffeine intake, as caffeine can constrict blood vessels, impeding the warming of extremities (National Weather Service).

Exercise caution during winter transit, allowing extra time due to challenging road conditions. Refrain from texting or using your phone while driving to prioritize safety.

Winter storms and blizzards can unleash extreme cold, freezing rain, snow, ice, and high winds. These events may persist for hours or extend over several days, disrupting heat, power, and communication services. Vulnerable populations, such as older adults, young children, and those with health issues, face increased risks.

In the event of a winter storm warning:

  • Avoid travel, staying off roads.
  • Remain indoors, dressing warmly.
  • Prepare for potential power outages.
  • Use generators outdoors and away from windows.
  • Stay informed through emergency information and alerts.
  • Monitor for signs of hypothermia and frostbite.
  • Check on neighbors and offer assistance.


Facilities Management has transitioned to a new maintenance request software, TeamDynamix, to replace SchoolDude. This software has already been successfully implemented for IT and Procurement tickets, and we are excited to extend its use to Facilities Management. Maintenance service requests, key requests, tunnel access requests and other Facilities Management service requests are now available on the NKU Service Catalog through TeamDynamix. Please ensure you are logged in with your NKU credentials in the top right corner of the screen of this page. If you do not have NKU credentials or need immediate assistance with the form to submit a request, contact NKU Work M-F 8:15 a.m.-4:30 p.m. at X-5660 or by email at

Thank you for your patience, cooperation, and support as we make this transition. We look forward to working with you and providing you with the best possible service.