Dear Colleagues:
After last week’s Supreme Court ruling striking down the previous pension reform efforts, Governor Bevin called the Kentucky legislature into a special session to address pension reform.
Given the heightened attention this week to the pension discussion, I thought it is important to share a brief update with you.
You should know that SB151, the bill that was struck down by the Court, did not have much impact on NKU, and any actions taken by the legislature this week in a special session would not have had any substantial impact on our university. As you may have seen, the session abruptly ended early without a bill being passed.
NKU’s efforts over the past few months have been to propose higher education-specific pension reform, and we have been working in collaboration with our peer institutions statewide on that proposal. We have shared these proposed concepts with Staff Congress and during last week’s Fall Forum.
In essence, the higher education pension reform recommendations we have proposed have not been impacted by what happened this week in Frankfort. Rest assured, we will continue to pursue the course of action originally planned for a reform bill that is specific to higher education, our employees and our retirees. If you have other questions, please do not hesitate to contact me ( or Adam Caswell (