Dear Colleagues:
We have been informed by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) that NKU has been placed under warning for failure to be in compliance with two components required for reaffirmation: a core requirement that focuses on Library, information and learning resources (Core Requirement 11.1) and a standard for general education student outcomes assessment (Standard 8.2b). This SACSCOC action means we must submit a monitoring report to show our work and improvements in the two areas by September 8, 2020.
While this is disappointing, please know that we have action plans in progress to address SACSCOC’s concerns. During the 10 year reaffirmation, we have been very responsive to the commission’s requests and are taking that same proactive approach with our plan. Earlier this month, Steely Library received funds to purchase new databases and collections. Dean Andrea Falcone is touring campus to hear from faculty, staff and students to understand their needs and to ensure the library has the resources and personnel to support them. The general education assessment plan is now complete, and we are holding workshops later this month for faculty to review the assessment results and incorporate them into assignments.
NKU remains fully accredited, and our commitment to being a premier, student-ready, regionally engaged institution remains steadfast.
The SACSCOC review demonstrates there is work to be done, but we now know where to focus our efforts to be in compliance with their standards. With Success by Design’s laser focus on student success, I am confident NKU will rise to this challenge and look forward to receiving our reaffirmation by SACSCOC.
Ashish K. Vaidya, Ph.D.
Northern Kentucky University
Nunn Drive
800 Lucas Administrative Center
Highland Heights, KY 41099
Phone: 859-572-5123
Fax: 859-572-6696