Dear Campus Community,
I am pleased to announce that the national search for our next Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs has officially launched. Isaacson Miller has been selected to assist in finding ideal candidates for this very important position. The Search Advisory Committee that will assist in recommending a strong and diverse pool of candidates has been formed and will be co-chaired by Vice President & Chief Strategy Officer Bonita Brown and Dean of the College of Health and Human Services, Dale Stephenson. Other members of the search advisory committee include:
The search firm will begin meeting with various constituent groups (Cabinet, Deans, Academic Affairs Council, Chairs Council, Faculty Senate, Staff Congress and Student Government Association executive committees) as early as next week and will work to gather as much input as possible to develop a position profile. Screening of prospective candidates will continue through the fall with finalist interviews and on-campus or virtual visits with the campus community to be held in November. We hope that you will engage in this process during the finalist’s visits. Many thanks to the individuals that have agreed to serve on this very important search committee.