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From: Geoffrey S. Mearns
November 7, 2012

As I have been completing my listening tour, I am learning much about Northern Kentucky University from our faculty, staff, students, alumni, and community leaders.  Your thoughts and suggestions about the University’s distinctive attributes and the important issues and opportunities that we face are invaluable sources of information to be considered as we embark on our journey to develop a new five-year strategic plan.  I thank everyone who has taken the time to meet with me and provide their thoughts, concerns, and suggestions.

In preparation for the planning process, it is now time to identify members of a Strategic Planning Committee that will begin work in January.  From the responses of the deans, chairs, Faculty Senate, Staff Congress, and SGA, there is a consensus that the committee should be relatively small and that their work should be completed by the end of the Fall 2013 semester.  The committee will include three faculty members, an academic department chair, a dean, two staff, one student, a graduate, and one community/business leader.  To demonstrate my commitment to this visioning and priority-setting process, I plan to serve as the chair.

In addition to the Strategic Planning Committee, we will also have work groups that include subject matter experts from across the campus to assist with the analysis of external environmental trends and forces and the identification of institutional characteristics and distinctive attributes.

I am inviting faculty to submit nominations, including self-nominations, for the membership of the Strategic Planning Committee. You will find a nomination form, a list of factors to consider as you decide upon nominations, a description of the committee charge, and the expected time commitment at Please complete your nominations by November 20.  I plan to seek advice from the Faculty Senate Executive Committee, chairs, deans, and the Provost on faculty nominees prior to final selection in mid-December.

I sincerely look forward to working with this committee and encourage you to express your interest in serving.  Those whose names are submitted will also be considered for inclusion on the work groups which will be assisting with the process. 

Thank you for your time and commitment to NKU.  Our people make our future bright.