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Gender Inclusive Housing

Flex housing

Gender Inclusive Housing seeks to provide a living environment welcoming to all gender identities and all living types. Gender Inclusive Housing allows for students of any gender/non-gender to live together in a University Housing environment in which they feel safe and supported, regardless of gender identity or sex assigned at birth.

As of 2019, more than 200 colleges and universities around the nation offer some form of gender-inclusive housing for their residential students, and NKU is proud to be part of this group. There are numerous reasons why a student would need or want to live in a more gender-inclusive housing assignment, and this option gives our students the opportunity to select their roommates/suitemates without restrictions based on gender identity or sex assigned at birth.

If you’re interested in Gender Inclusive Housing, please read the Gender Inclusive Housing Procedures, Terms & Conditions to get started. Feel free to contact Avery Calloway at about the process.

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