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Online Format Information


With the move to an online format for many courses, it is important that we together continue to meet the requirements of approved academic accommodations and the provision of accessible content for students with disabilities.

Accessible and Accommodated Online Exams
If you are using online proctoring for exams, please make sure to communicate this to your students prior to exam deployment. Students with disabilities should take their tests and quizzes in the same format and setting as the rest of your class, and it will be your responsibility to provide testing accommodations through those platforms if notified by a student that they receive this accommodation.

If a student has extra time on exams, your online exam must be extended per their accommodation. If you are unsure of how much time the student should receive, please reach out to our office. For technical assistance with exam accommodations please connect with the NKU IT Help Desk.

Extending time in Canvas

Students who utilize screen readers for exams will have access to an online cloud-based screen reader (Kurzweil 3000), which they can download on any computer and use from anywhere.  We have already communicated with those that have this accommodation, that they will be responsible for downloading and using this screen reader.  However, that while screen readers should work with a lock down browser, there could be possible glitches, so it is not recommended.  If you would like to see how the screen reader is downloaded or try it yourself, below are the instructions for download.

Kurzweil 3000 computer screen reader is available to all NKU students. Below are the steps to begin using the cloud-based Kurzweil system.

Accessible and Accommodated Course Content

Many of our students utilize note taking or tape recording as an accommodation.  Due to the large number of students with this accommodation, we are asking that all faculty record their lectures, to then post within their Canvas course.  Recording the lectures may also benefit other students who are not registered with our office.

We have students registered with our office who utilize closed captioning.  We have reached out individually to these students and will be in touch with their professors in regards to implementing this accommodation for those students. Please know that if you have someone in your course that may not have identified until now that they need closed captioning, CITE is available to help guide you through this.

Remember that you can utilize the Ally accessibility guidance available in Canvas and needed when you create new content. If a student contacts you because they cannot access your content using assistive technology, refer to these resources to correct accessibility errors. If there is a barrier to a third party platform, or, the remediation of the content is highly technical in nature, contact CITE for guidance. 

Student Accessibility Services is available to consult with you on any access concerns and questions.
