To more widely communicate across campus, the Budget Office maintains our very own listserv. In addition to our regular channels of communication, this listserv will act as a way to communicate procedural updates, policy changes, and other general information which will also be placed on our website. For example, we will notify the listserv when a new budget policy has been posted or when the Board of Regents has approved fees for the next fiscal year. The listserv will not be used for communications which generally occur through the Vice President communication channels and are not distributed for public consumption on the Budget Office web site.
Please be sure that you pass this invitation on to anyone that will need to be made aware of any budgetary procedure updates and information as they become available, so that they may sign up for the Budget listserv by clicking on the link below. Our recommendation to join would include unit administrators and anyone requiring notification of events in the budget process such as tuition rates have been approved, the budget calendar has been posted, the operating budget has been approved, etc.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our office.
Thank you!
To sign up for the Budget listserv, click here: