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 The Forms and Instructions link includes the tools and resources utilized in the budget process to assist staff in the management of their unit's budget.  For information on NKU Budget Policies, please be sure to refer to the Budget Policies/Agreements section of our website.

Annual Operating Budget Development Forms and Instructions Please Note: Each Vice President administers budgetary processes specific to their Division. Please direct questions regarding your specific processes, forms, and timelines to the appropriate contact within your Division.

Annual Budget Process

Additional Budget Documents, Information, and Resources

Fee and Service Charge Information

Position-Related Information

Position Maintenance Request (revised 09/27/2022)
Position Subtypes (revised 10/12/2022)
Fringe Benefits Budget Matrix (revised 08/16/2023)

Position Budgeting Reports

     SAP B/W (myNKU):  ZHR_ZPACP_MP1_Q001
     SAP R/3 (GUI):  ZHR_PB_RPT

IT5010 Subtype Definitions and Explanations:

Subtype Subtype Description Subtype Use/Comments
9001 Original Budget Current FY

Faculty & Staff position budget loaded to Original Budget
at the beginning of the FY
9002 HR Staff Comp Pool

Usually the difference between 9001 value and current salary for Staff
positions funded with General Funds (0111000100)
9003 VP Position Reassignment Used when budget is allocated from one position to another.
Each position should have a Position # referenced
9004 Central Funding Recurring Budget Provided by Central
(e.g., Minimum Salary Range Increase)
9005 Budget Next Year

Faculty & Staff ending budget for FY (usually current salary)
usually carried over to the 9001 value for the following year
plus any adjustments such as merit, across-the-board, etc.
9006 VP Other Funding Used when budget is allocated from Faculty/Staff Reserves or
Operating. When used a Budget Transfer # should be referenced
in Comments.
9007 Current FY Adjustment Funding from VP or Central
(e.g., Pay Scale Adjustments, Budget Load Timing, etc.)
9011 Other Adjustment Explain in Subtype Comment in "Additional Information" section
(Comp Pool for Non-General Funds Positions)
9012 AA Faculty Comp Pool Usually the difference between 9001 value and current salary for Faculty
positions funded with General Funds (0111000100)
"Funding Needed" Formula:  = 9005 - (9001 + 9011 + 9007 + 9002 + 9012 + 9003 + 9006 + 9004)

Smart View for Office (Oracle PBCS/EPM Cloud)

Budget Office Work Aids

Looking Up Budget Transfers (revised 07/05/2023)


Budget Listserv  Click here to sign up for communications from the Budget Office!


If there is information that you feel would be helpful to you or others in regard to the budget process and/or the management of your unit's budget that is not listed on our website, please do not hesitate to let us know, so that we may consider adding it.  Thank you!

Comments, Suggestions, and Feedback Here!