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What is TurningPoint?

TurningPoint Cloud lets you conduct polls during class with your students. It integrates seamless polling with PowerPoint and can overlay applications, self-paced tests, evaluations, and surveys. Available for Mac or PC,  you can conduct real-time assessments to track progress, instantly view results, and collect valuable data.

Where do you go to use it?

TurningPoint needs to be installed on a Mac or PC. From there you can integrate polling questions into your slide deck or view/export the results of your polling to your gradebook.

Bethany Bowling: TurningPoint & "Clickers"
Bethany Bowling, assistant professor of Biological Sciences, teaches some introductory courses in large lecture halls where it can be difficult to keep students engaged. Also, with so many students it's difficult to stay informed about their individual progress. Professor Bowling uses the TurningPoint Audience Response system to keep her students actively engaged with course content and to gauge their comprehension of the concepts. Watch this video to see her method in action:
Instructional Articles and Videos