There are several ways you can report ethical or compliance violations.
We are relying on all University members to ask questions and notify the Ethics and Compliance Helpline if you have any concerns. If you are in doubt about making a report, please go ahead and report the issue. We would rather you report the information than keep it to yourself.
You can view the list of categories and issues on the Ethics and Compliance Helpline site.
However, if you would like to be identified in your report, there is a section in the report where you can identify yourself.
The report will be investigated promptly and thoroughly and the disposition of the report will be recorded in the sytem.
The EthicsPoint system and report distribution is designed in such a way that implicated parties are not notified or granted access to reports in which they have been named.
Yes. EthicsPoint does provide a way to follow up on the status of your report. When you file your report either online or over the phone, you receive a unique user name and you choose a password. You can return to the EthicsPoint system at any time either online or by phone and access the original report to:
If you add more detail to your report or answer questions regarding the incident from the university, your anonymity will be still be maintained, even if there is a dialogue between you and the university personnel.
**Please take care to retain your unique user name and password created at the time of your report. EthicsPoint does not retain your password and will be unable to provide it to you if lost.