Your NKU email address will remain active for life per an agreement we have with Microsoft. Continue to use it as you always have. If your password expires, call the IT Help Desk.
If you have been storing your files in the J or W drive on NKU's servers, your access to the files will be locked 90 days after the last day of classes. Make sure to move any files you wish to keep.
You will continue to have access to files stored in Microsoft OneDrive.
Your free access to Microsoft Office 365 (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc.) will stop 30 days after the last day of classes. You can continue your subscription with Microsoft for a fee.
If you are considering buying a new laptop, take advantage of your student discounts before you graduate. Dell and Apple offer student discounts on computers. Many software vendors offer student discounts as well.
You will continue to receive Norse Alert messages until you turn off the service.
To unsubscribe, log in to myNKU and click the Norse Alert tab. Click Update Settings, and you will be taken to the My Account tab. Click edit (next to your name and email address) then click the Delete Account button.
If you have equipment checked out from the Norse Tech Bar (or anywhere else on campus), return it before graduation to avoid being charged the replacement value for the item.
You will no longer be able to log into a lab computer on campus or the NKU Virtual Desktop 90 days after the last day of classes.