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Legal Forms


Legal Information

Open Records Requests:  Under Kentucky law, KRS 61.870 to 61.884, only residents of the Commonwealth may request to inspect public records. The definition of “resident” includes individuals and businesses living, operating, and working within the Commonwealth, as well as news-gathering organizations. A person submitting a request to inspect public records must include with the request a statement that the person making the request is a resident of the Commonwealth. NKU may deny a request to inspect records that does not include such a statement. See KRS 61.872(2).

Official open records requests are handled by the Vice President for Legal Affairs and General Counsel office. Other departments that receive open records requests must refer them to the Office of the Vice President for Legal Affairs and General Counsel.


Requests must be made in writing and delivered either in person, by U. S. mail, by electronic mail or by facsimile. Requests to inspect public records may be made using the Standardized Request Form.

Requestors for the inspection of public records shall be advised in writing not later than five (5) working days after the receipt of the records request, of the availability of the records requested for inspection and/or any reason the records requested are not available for public inspection.

Email requests must be sent to Please direct open records request to Legal Affairs at the following address:

Northern Kentucky University
Vice President for Legal Affairs and General Counsel
5320 Campus Drive
Lucas Administrative Center, Room 812
Highland Heights, KY 41099
Phone: (859) 572-5587