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Student Spotlight: Katie Clough


"I'm working to understand the brain, how it affects the body, behavior and truly what makes people tick."

By Jayna Morris | Photography by Scott Beseler | Published June 2020
Katie Clough

HOMETOWN: Cincinnati, Ohio
MAJORS: Neuroscience
MINOR: Evolutionary Studies

Tell me about life pre-NKU. Where did you grow up?
I grew up in Anderson Township in Cincinnati. I went to Anderson High School. 

Why did you choose NKU? What kept you here?

I chose NKU partially because of the cost and partially because of the opportunities with in my major. At the time I started my major, it was the newest major—meaning I would get a lot of attention and help from Neuroscience faculty. Plus, with NKU being primarily undergraduates, I could start doing research and getting hands-on experience without having to compete with graduate students. I stayed here because of the community. I found my place here and have the best support system in the world. 

Can you tell me a little about what you're studying?
I'm studying Neuroscience, which is an interdisciplinary major that combines mainly Psychology and Biology but also a little philosophy. I'm working to understand the brain, how it affects the body, behavior and truly what makes people tick. 

Describe NKU in one word.

What’s your favorite class?
My favorite class currently is NEU 101: Neuroscience for Life: Sex and Society because I'm a TA for this class, and I enjoy helping students learn about neuroscience!

Where is your favorite spot on campus? What makes that spot so special?
I'm torn between the vivarium in Founders Hall where I conduct my research because every day I work in there, so I'm comfortable in it. Plus, the work I'm doing every day affirms that this is what I want to spend my life doing.  And the Honors lounge because I spend so much of my time hanging out there. A lot of my friends are there. 

Where’s the best place to study on campus?
The study rooms in Founders Hall! 

What is your greatest passion?
It's hard to narrow down because I'm kind of passionate about everything. I guess I'm passionate about passion! 

What’s a favorite NKU memory you’ll never forget?
I have a lot of great memories at NKU, but my favorite is probably late-night study sessions in the Honors lounge. Not that much studying actually occurs, but I have spent hours in there hanging out, usually laughing sometimes to the point of tears. 

What is your favorite way to spend your free time?
I love hanging out with friends and going on adventures!

Who’s your favorite professor (or staff member)? Why?

Dr. Buss, the dean of the Honors College. He is so supportive of all his students—not only helping provide us opportunities to reach our dreams, but he is also committed to making us well-rounded humans constantly exposing us to things that change our current perspectives. I have found my home in the Honors community, and Dr. Buss has done his best to build that community.

What advice would you give to a first-year student?
Advocate for yourself! It's your time, your money and your degree so do not be passive about any step. Ask questions, use resources, reach out to professors, find extra opportunities and sign up for clubs and events. These four years are more than just classes, and it's up to you to make them special. 

Have you had any memorable internships or co-op experiences?
I work in Dr. Curran's Research lab here at NKU. I get to work with mice looking at how an environmental toxin (Benzo [a] Pyrene) affects brain development.

What are you most looking forward to after graduation?
I am looking forward to going to grad school and getting to fully dive into research!

What kind of job would you like to have after you graduate?
Currently the plan is to go to grad school and gain my PhD. After that I hope to come back to higher education so I can continue research, teach students and help with advising and admissions. 

What does getting your degree mean to you?
Getting my degree means a great success that is a stepping stone to my future, possibly allowing me to change the world. 

Tell me anything else about yourself and/or NKU that you want folks to know.
I'm a Taurus. My Myers Briggs personality type is ENTJ-T, and my Enneagram type is a tie between Type 3 (The Achiever) and Type 8 (The Challenger). 

