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Sara Bentley

JD Candidate, Chase College of Law
“Sara has helped several new female students at Chase Law who were nervous about starting school while pregnant. She has mentored several young women on how to balance the demands of law school with maintaining a household. Sara brought a beautiful baby boy into the world, and took her first year finals three weeks later. She inspires so many with her strength at Chase, including her husband who would be lost without her!"

Autumn Ruehl
What is your favorite thing about NKU?
My favorite thing about NKU is how encouraging everyone has been from the beginning. We found out I was pregnant 5 days before law school began in 2017 and I was so unsure of myself and my capabilities. With the encouragement of my professors, the faculty and fellow students, I was able to get the support I needed to thrive as a student, regardless of the fact that I was going through so many changes at the same time. Thankfully, I have been on this journey from day one with my husband, who is also a 3L, Jarrod Bentley. Without him, I don't know if I could have done it.

Where is your favorite spot on campus? What makes that spot so special?
My favorite spot on campus is the Ebel Commons in the law school. I have spent so much time there studying and building friendships that will last a lifetime.

What is the first word that comes to mind when you think about NKU
The first word that comes to mind is "Future." This school and the experiences I have had at NKU have enabled me to literally change the future for me and my family.

What is your favorite way to spend your free time?
What little free time I have I spend with our son, Wyatt. He is the light of my life, and I couldn't be more proud to be his mama.

What is your greatest passion?
I love being a mama and I am so excited to be an attorney. I will be graduating from Chase in May and taking the bar in July. If all goes as planned, I will finally be able to pursue my passion for the law.

Tell us anything else about yourself and/or NKU that you want folks to know.
This has been a long and difficult road for me and my husband. We started this journey at NKU as a couple that was dating and had moved into our first apartment together, quit our jobs and moved and hour and a half north of all our friends and family. Within a week of moving, we found out we were pregnant. Law school began 5 days later and this crazy journey just got more complicated. We got engaged Christmas of 2017 and Wyatt was born April 3, 2018. Three weeks later I took finals and we finished out first year of law school. We have since moved back to Georgetown and commute so we can live closer to my parents who watch Wyatt while we are in class. We got married last June and are now focused on graduating this May and taking the Bar in July. It has been a whirlwind- but such an awesome experience. I wouldn't change a thing, and because of NKU and the friends I've made, I will be an attorney by the end of this year. I am so grateful to everyone at Chase for being so supportive of us and for helping us make all this a reality.
