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Teaching from Experience

"Actively working in the field ensures that I’m teaching my students the most current information. It also gives me engaging stories to make the concepts come alive for the students.”

By P. Flynn Ashley ('13, '15) | Photography provided | Published May 2020
Erin Kelley, Nursing professor at NKU
Professor Erin Kelley (’11) not only teaches the principles of nursing to undergraduate students, but she also puts those principles into action as a nurse at St. Elizabeth Healthcare.

“I believe that working in a hospital makes me a better teacher,” she says. “Technology is rapidly evolving within health care, and evidenced-based practice recommendations regularly change. Actively working in the field ensures that I’m teaching my students the most current information. It also gives me engaging stories to make the concepts come alive for the students.”

Having someone like Professor Kelley is such a benefit for students seeing first hand the impact they can have in the health field. Growing up, Kelley watched her mother, who worked in health care, and the impact she made on patient's lives.

“Patients would frequently stop [my mom] in public to thank her for taking care of them—sometimes even years after they had been discharged—and it really showed me the difference that even just one person can make in a patient’s life,” she says.
Erin Kelley, Nursing professor at NKU

With COVID-19 changing the education and health care landscape, Kelley found herself in a unique situation, having to change how she approached both of her jobs drastically. Transitioning all of her classes online while working shifts with the infectious disease response team was unexpected but rewarding.

“I balance it by reminding myself that people need me—my patients and my students, and I am blessed to be in a position to care for both of them,” she says.

Kelley also has a message for nursing students as well as 2020 graduates:

“Be strong,” she says, “and continue to persevere.”
