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1. Policy Request Form

The first step in creating, revising, or retiring a policy is submitting a policy request form (PRF). Policy Request Forms are designed to ensure the correct subject matter experts are a part of the drafting process, all relevant stakeholders are included in review of the draft policy, and that there are no duplicative efforts occurring across different divisions of the campus. You can submit a PRF prior to drafting your policy. Alternatively, you can submit a draft of your policy or revisions with the PRF.


2. Policy Template

NKU uses a standardized policy template for all university policies to ensure continuity and readability1. Please read all instructions on the template carefully during the drafting process. Not all sections of the template are required of a policy and sections may be added as needed.

1 Published policies that pre-date this template or were approved under a process that pre-dates the Creation, Revision, and Communication of Policies policy will exist in a different format until they undergo revision or review. These policies remain official university policies.

3. NKU Policy Development Process

The development of University policies--which includes opportunities for review and input by faculty, staff, students--and shared governance groups follows the process described in NKU's policy on policies.