The coming weeks will see our nation hold elections that are an important tenet in our democracy, salute our veterans and celebrate Thanksgiving with our friends and families. As we look ahead at these important milestones, it is also a time to reflect.
As a campus and country, we are once again faced with the news of violence, acts of hate and intimidation. The shooting of two African Americans in a Kroger store in Louisville, the senseless violence in the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh, and explosives being mailed to high profile citizens, were incidents that saddened and sickened me. The impact of these events are resonating across the nation and here on our campus. I have been affected by them, as I know many of you have as well. I offer my deepest condolences to all those who are grieving from these senseless tragedies.
We must come together to condemn acts of violence fueled by hate. We must also come together to demonstrate what we believe and hold dear. Through our actions and speech, we need to continually affirm our respect for all members of our community, and engage in practices of inclusiveness that create a sense of belonging for everyone. We must reinforce our commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion and highlight this commitment as a defining characteristic of our university.
There is no place for hate at NKU. We have dedicated faculty, staff, students and alumni who work to create a campus that welcomes people from all backgrounds and perspectives.
I know these are trying times happening at a busy point in the semester, and emotions can build. Please remember, we have support available for you–whether you’re affected by these incidents or overwhelmed with a difficult class.
There is someone who will listen.
Sincerely yours,
Ashish K. Vaidya, Ph.D