NKU Students can earn an ROTC scholarship worth $46,368. Students have the option to use the scholarship for tuition or room and board. For more information call (513)-745-1066
The National Army ROTC Scholarship Program is run by the US Army Cadet Command. The deadline to apply for a four-year National Scholarship is June before your senior year of high school. You can apply as soon as February of your junior year. Click Apply Now and start your application or to find out more information.
A National Scholarship winner may expect:
National Scholarships are available for Xavier University Army ROTC and our affiliate schools:
If you are not selected for a National Scholarship it is by no means the end of the road. The National Scholarship program is very competitive. If you miss the deadline, we do have campus-based scholarships available. Email our Recruiting Officer to start the process.
For more information on National Scholarships check out this website: High School Students.
As a member of the Kentucky Army National Guard, you can earn over $1500 per month plus full tuition assistance while participating in the Army ROTC program. Check out our SMP Brochure.
Normally the SMP membership starts in your sophomore year with at least 6semesters remaining to complete your degree program. If you think you are qualified, contact NKU Army ROTC today! Your participation will culminate in a commission in the Army National Guard or USAR or on Active Duty. Specifically, while you are in school you could be looking at: