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The charge of the work group on Competitive Forces is to provide assistance to the Strategic Planning Committee in the following ways:

  • Gather, review, and analyze data and other background materials on competitive forces that are influencing the future of the university, including, but not limited to, regional and state competition; non-profit and for-profit higher education providers; statewide adult learner initiatives; and Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs).

  • Based upon readings, analyses, discussions and input from subject matter experts and work group members, prepare a brief paper summarizing the primary competitive forces that should be considered as the university develops its vision and strategic priorities for 2018.

  • Provide the paper and recommended reading list to the Strategic Planning Committee by March 18, 2013.

  • Provide additional support as requested by the Strategic Planning Committee.

  • Endorse, follow, and promote the guiding principles for the strategic planning process.

What Do You Think?

If you have a comment or suggestion for the Competitive Forces work group, please share it with our members.

We created an online form for anyone who would like to have their ideas posted on this website. To access that form, click here.

If you prefer to express your ideas privately to only the work group members, our email address is

Vicki Berling   
Executive Director - Educational Outreach
Principal Writer: Kevin Kirby Dean - College of Informatics
Charita Brewer Director of Administration, Planning & Budget - College of Arts & Sciences
SPC Liaison:   
Zach Hart Interim Chair and Associate Professor - Department of Communication
SPC Liaison:  
Stephanie Hughes Associate Professor - Department of Management

Other members:

  John Filaseta Chair and Associate Professor - Department of Physics & Geology
  Lauren Franzen Manager, Management Services - Human Resources
  Melissa Gorbandt Director - Admissions, Undergraduate
  Ashley Grimes Coordinator of Parent & Family Programs - New Student Orientation & Parent Programs
  Ken Kline Senior Director - Budget Office
  Susan Mospens Director - Student Achievement Center
  Sandra Spataro Associate Professor - Department of Management
  Paula Stapleton Assistant to the Vice President - Student Affairs
  Brandelyn Tosolt Assistant Professor - Department of Teacher Education
  David Trump Sophomore - Theatre Acting Major