Northern Kentucky University is looking forward to celebrating graduates in May 2025 at Truist Arena.
Regalia Purchase:
Custom doctoral regalia should be ordered from the NKU Bookstore by MARCH 7, 2024 to ensure delivery in time for the ceremony on May 10, 2025.
Regalia Rental:
Faculty can now place their rental orders online and pay the NKU Bookstore when they pick up! Place rental orders by April 8, 2025 to ensure delivery in time for the ceremony. An email to all faculty will be sent with the link.
If you have any questions, please contact the NKU Bookstore at or (859) 572-5142.
Faculty Lineup:
Faculty line up will take place on the Veranda behind the stage curtains on the Concourse level beginning one hour prior to each ceremony. Access to the facility will not be allowed before one hour to each ceremony so plan to arrive accordingly. The processional down the stairs on both sides of the stage to the arena floor will begin at 10 AM for CAS/COI/COE and at 3 PM for HCOB/CHHS.
Coffee and water will be served prior to the processional. A secure room for personal belongings will be available in room 106. Please note: if you are unable to process, you can take your seat on the arena floor at 10 minutes prior to the processional.
In order to provide comfortable seating for the faculty members during the ceremony, we will be seating faculty in every other chair on the arena floor. Chairs must be hooked together as per fire code regulations.
Parking is free and open throughout the campus. There is no reserved parking for faculty. Accessible parking is available on all levels of the Welcome Center Garage located across the street from the arena and in Lot O. Please note: reserved parking spaces in all garages and Lot N are not valid the day of commencement. To avoid anticipated traffic tie-ups, consider accessing campus from the Johns Hill Road entrance.
At the end of the ceremony, faculty will have the opportunity to congratulate the new graduates as they recess from the hall. After the platform party exits the stage, Presidential Ambassadors will lead the faculty down the center aisle where you will remain standing as the new graduates process past. After all graduates have left the floor, faculty will follow.
More information:
If you have questions or concerns please contact Kara Olding at