If you are a May 2025 graduate that needs to purchase your regalia (cap, gown, tassel and/or hood): please visit Herff Jones or stop by or call the NKU bookstore at (859) 572-5142 and they can help you.
Follow these deadlines in order to get your regalia on time for the May 10, 2025 commencement ceremonies:
All ceremonies will be streamed live on nku.edu/commencement for graduates or guests who are joining virtually. The live stream feed will not be available before the ceremony begins.
Videos of the ceremonies will be available for on-demand viewing after the event under previous ceremonies and on the NKU YouTube channel.
Graduates earning more than one degree may simply choose which ceremony they’d like to attend. Your diploma and transcript will reflect all the degrees that you have earned at NKU.
Undergraduate students who qualify for University Honors can pick up honor cords at Grad Fair, your dean's office, or upon arrival at the commencement ceremony. If you don’t attend your ceremony, university honor cords must be picked up at your dean's office.
Please note that master and doctoral candidates do not receive University Honors cords.
*If your honor changes after the final semester grades have been turned in, your diploma will reflect that. However, the commencement program will list what we have at the time of print.
Please contact the head of your organization, department, or club to inquire if stoles or cords will be offered. Special Events only handles academic honor cords.
There is NO REHEARSHAL for graduates. There will be a large team of NKU volunteers at Truist Arena during Commencement to assist graduates in properly wearing their regalia as well as directing where to go. Read Arrival and Lineup for graduate arrival instructions.
Yes! GradImages will be photographing all graduates at the upcoming commencement ceremonies. Professional photographers will take three different pictures of each graduate.
Order information and proofs will be sent to your NKU email account by the photographer three to five days after the ceremony. You can also view proofs at the GradImages NKU page. For more information or to order prints, please call 1-800-261-2576 or email giservice@gradimages.net.
GradImages is offering 20% off graduation photo orders of $50 or more when graduates register their email address prior to graduation. Visit the GradImages website and click on Registration to take advantage of this offer.
NO! Commencement is a ceremony recognizing a student’s accomplishments by their families, friends and the college community. Participation in commencement, however, does not guarantee a student’s graduation and official diplomas are not awarded at the ceremony.
Graduation is the actual awarding of degrees. Upon certification of satisfactory completion of all degree requirements, the students’ degrees are awarded and added to their official academic records. Official diplomas are mailed to students following degree conferral and once all financial obligations to the university have been cleared. Participating in commencement does not mean that you have graduated.
*Please visit https://inside.nku.edu/registrar/graduation.html for all other GRADUATION questions.
You can go to this webpage to submit a request for an international letter to invite your relative to your commencement. Processing of your request will take 3-5 business days. You will be notified by email when your letter is ready.
Please email registrar1@nku.edu if you have any questions.
Arena Policies - Flowers, Gifts, Prohibited Items, and Other Information
Wrapped gifts, gifts larger than 8.5”x11”x4”, balloons, signs, noisemakers, outside food & beverage, personal drink containers, and large umbrellas are not permitted in Truist Arena. Gifts smaller than 8.5”x11”x4” are permitted but must be unwrapped or in a gift bag and are subject to security search. Compact umbrellas may be brought into the Arena.
Floral bouquets may be brought into the arena and are subject to security search. For your convenience, floral bouquets are also available for purchase at the arena at commencement: NKU’s chapter of the Golden Key International Honour Society will be selling flowers to benefit the university’s local chapter. Flowers will be available for purchase starting one hour prior to each ceremony inside the arena. Customers are encouraged to take advantage of online pre-order service. Guests who pre-order will have a contact-free customer experience when picking up their pre-purchased and reserved product. To pre-order commencement flowers please visit https://www.thecommencementgroup.com/nku/.
Truist Arena management reserves the right to make the final determination on prohibited items. For more information please visit the Truist Arena webpage.
You indicate how you want your name to be printed in the commencement program and on your diploma when you apply for graduation through mynku.edu. The name that appears is the full legal name that appears on the student's record. If you need to change this please go to your my.nku.edu.
For answers to the following questions, please visit https://inside.nku.edu/registrar/graduation.html.
Contact information:
Office of the University Registrar
Northern Kentucky University
Lucas Administrative Center 301
Nunn Drive
Highland Heights, KY 41099
Phone: (859) 572-5556
Email: registrar@nku.edu