Provide summer funding (and possibly supplies) for student research and creative activity.
There are a number of summer fellowships available across campus - this common application includes the Greaves (for STEM students), Dorothy Westerman Herrmann (DWH) and ISRCA Summer fellowships (for registered NKU undergraduate or graduate student). Students who submit an application will be considered for any fellowship they qualify for during the review process.
Funding Amounts
Applications for Summer 2025 should be submitted by March 18, 2025 by 5pm
What goes in the application?
Students will log into Qualtrics using their NKU username and password at the link below and submit the following into specific fields. Please do not create a single PDF of the entire application, complete each field as requested. The fillable coversheet with appropriate signatures should be uploaded at that time.
Students are encouraged to work closely with their faculty mentor during the writing of the proposal. Students are encouraged to remember that they are writing for an audience outside of their fields.
Projects are not transferable between students.