of the
Board of Regents Date of Approval: 11/12/2019
Section 1: The function of the Student Government Association (SGA) shall be to:
A. Serve as the official representative body of the students.
B. Protect and promote the rights, as well as advocate for the best interests, of all Northern Kentucky University (NKU) students through listening to our peers, learning about the problems, and acting in order to find solutions.
Section 1: Definition of Membership
A. A member of the Student Government Association shall be defined as any student enrolled at Northern Kentucky University.
B. Only Senators voted in by student vote or appointed and confirmed by Student Senate shall hold voting privileges during official votes of the Student Senate.
Section 2: Definition of Quorum
A. Quorum of the Student Senate is such a number as must be present in order that business can be legally transacted. The quorum refers to the number present, not to the number voting. A majority of the Student Senate plus the Chair (see Article IV, Section 1, subsection (A) (2) (a)) shall constitute a quorum with the authority to conduct any and all business unless specified differently within the Constitution.
B. Neither an abstention nor a proxy vote shall count as a vote.
Section 3: Definition of Majority
A. A majority shall be defined as one (1) more than fifty present (50%) of those Senators voting. In the case of a tie, the President shall cast the final vote.
Section 4: Supermajority
A. A supermajority shall be defined as two thirds (2/3) of those Senators voting.
Section 5: Definition of Student Senate
A. The term Student Senate shall refer to the entire membership of the Senate, not just those present and voting.
Section 6: Definition of Legislation
A. Anything proposed before through the Student Senate as a resolution
a. Exceptions shall be Honorary Resolutions, Executive Orders, Proclamations, or Letters of Commendation
Section 1: Membership
A. Membership shall not be refused to any student that is protected by the University’s policies and procedures related to nondiscrimination.
Section 2: Qualifications
A. Qualifications for the Student Senate, Judicial Council, and SGA Executive Cabinet;
a. Must be an enrolled student at NKU and in good standing as defined by the University.
b. Must not have been convicted of a felony in any state.
c. Must run for election with the declared intention of completing a one (1) year term.
B. Specific qualifications for the Executive Cabinet:
a. Must be a full-time student at NKU during the term of office, as defined by NKU.
b. Must stand for election before the entire student body.
c. Must receive a cumulative GPA of at least .25 above the Student Senate GPA requirement.
d. Must have completed thirty (3) credit hours by the beginning of the fall semester following their election.
e. Candidates for President and Vice President must comply with Commonwealth of Kentucky Statutes, relating to the Board of Regents membership (KRS 164.321).
i. There shall be five (5) Executive Cabinet seats elected by the student body.
C. Specific qualifications for the Student Senate and Judicial Council:
a. Must receive a cumulative GPA of at least a 2.5 on a 4.0 scale at the time of election and maintain a semester GPA of a 2.0 for the duration of their term.
b. There shall be no more than thirty (30) , but no less than twenty-five (25), Student Senate seats filled.
c. There shall be five (5) Judicial Council seats elected by the student body.
d. Must be able to serve a minimum of one (1) weekly office hour.
e. Must meet attendance requirement of two SGA sponsored events per academic semester.
Section 1: Students of NKU shall be represented by three distinct branches: Executive (Executive Cabinet), Legislative (Student Senate), and Judicial (Judicial Council).
A. The Executive Cabinet:
a. The Executive Cabinet shall consist of the President, Vice President, Secretary of Public Relations, Secretary of Administration, and Secretary of Student Involvement.
i. These officers are not members of the Student Senate and therefore do not receive the voting rights provided by such membership.
ii. These officers shall carry out any reasonable action as directed by the President.
iii. These officers shall maintain a minimum number of office hours per academic week to be determined and agreed upon by the Executive Cabinet before the first week of the Fall Semester.
iv. Shall meet prior to each Student Senate meeting to consider matters brought before the Student Senate. The President shall have final authority of what capacity Executive Cabinet will meet.
v. Shall be required to attend all Student Senate meetings, as well as all SGA retreats, expect when it interferes with the performance of their duties.
vi. Shall provide transition documents and training to their successor before leaving office.
b. President
i. The President of SGA is granted the limited rights of chair of the Student Senate as specified in Robert’s Rules of Order.
ii. Shall preside over meetings of the Student Senate and all operations of the Executive Cabinet.
iii. Shall review all legislation adopted by the Student Senate. The President may veto legislation.
1. Legislation approved by the President shall be verified by his or her signature. Failure to sign legislation within ten (10) official school days of passage by the Student Senate constitutes a veto.
2. Legislation vetoed by the President shall be returned to the Student Senate, accompanied by the veto message. A veto may be overridden by a supermajority of the Student Senate at the next Student Senate meeting.
iv. Shall enter into agreements with agencies and organizations inside and outside the University community. This shall be done on behalf of SGA subject to a majority approval of the Student Senate. If the Student Senate is in recess, a majority approval of the Executive Cabinet shall be used.
1. Recess shall be defined as the summer and winter sessions and official University holidays and breaks during the academic year.
v. Shall represent the student body on the Board of Regents (KRS 164.321).
vi. Shall enforce the provisions of the Constitution, the Standing Rules of Order, mandates, legislation, Bylaws of the Student Senate, decisions of the Judicial Council, and referendum of the student body.
vii. Shall recommend ad-hoc committees and non-voting ex-officio members to the Student Senate for approval by a majority vote of the Student Senate.
viii. Shall recommend, request, and organize any liaisons that may be deemed necessary or beneficial to the operations of the Student Senate
ix. Shall be obligated to log a minimum number of hours per academic week.
x. Shall possess the authority to require written reports from Executive Cabinet members as he or she deems necessary.
xi. Shall recommend student for appointment to University standing committees through the Dean of Students for appointment by the University president.
xii. Shall represent SGA on the Student Fee Allocation Board.
xiii. Shall represent NKU on the Board of Student Body Presidents (BSBP).
c. Vice President
i. Shall act in place of the President in the absence of, or at the request of the President.
ii. Shall recommend to the President Student Senate Committee Chairs and Student Senate members to the respective committees, to be approved by a majority of the Student Senate
iii. Shall serve as the SGA representative at Faculty Senate and staff Congress meetings. If unable to fulfill this duty, the Vice President may select an alternate student representative to serve in this capacity.
iv. Shall coordinate the SGA retreat with the Advisors, to be held before the start of the fall academic semester following elections.
v. Shall coordinate the SGA banquet, to be held at the conclusion of the spring semester.
vi. Shall be obligated to log a minimum number of office hours per academic week.
d. Secretary of Public Relations
i. Shall in conjunction with the President, serve as the official spokesperson for SGA.
ii. Shall prepare and coordinate all external SGA publicity.
iii. Shall coordinate and assist in public relation efforts of all Student Senate committees
iv. Shall oversee all SGA-related media.
v. Shall coordinate all communication with other institutions.
vi. Shall be obligated to log a minimum number of office h ours per academic week.
vii. Shall assist in the publicity of all election notices and materials.
viii. Shall coordinate with the University Administration on the local businesses student discount program, “NorseRates”.
e. Secretary of Student Involvement
i. Shall coordinate and facilitate communication with student organizations.
ii. Shall give reports to the Student Senate on student organization concerns.
iii. Shall represent SGA on the Student Fee Allocation Board and shall chair and attend regularly scheduled meetings of the Legacy Fund Committee and Programming Activities Grant Committee.
iv. Shall be obligated to log a minimum number of office hours per academic week.
v. Shall serve as the official liaison with the Office of Student Engagement.
f. Secretary of Administration
i. Shall provide Student Senate meeting agendas.
ii. Shall discuss and distribute the attendance policies for Student Senate and Executive Cabinet members.
iii. Shall compile and maintain records of attendance and voting.
iv. Shall compile and maintain permanent records of minutes and agendas. The Office of the Dean of Students shall serve as the official repository of all SGA records.
v. Shall consult with the Advisors on academic status of all SGA members
vi. Shall maintain the SGA budget in collaboration with the Office of the Dean of Students.
vii. Shall oversee all membership and recruitment efforts.
viii. Shall oversee the application process for all SGA appointments.
ix. Shall be obligated to log a minimum number of office hours per academic week.
x. Shall ensure that the minutes of the previous meeting are received at least seventy-two (72) hours prior to the next SGA meeting.
g. Chief of Staff
i. Shall be appointed by the President and approved by a majority vote of the Student Senate.
ii. Shall serve, as a non-voting ex-officio member of SGA, voting privileges will be revoked upon confirmation by the Senate.
iii. Shall ensure the productivity of committees by coordinating tasks with the committee chairs
iv. Shall be responsible for all legislation format, grammar, and organization.
v. Shall be obligated to log a minimum number of office hours per academic week.
vi. Shall distribute and educate parliamentary procedure to the Student Senate.
vii. Shall be responsible for the maintenance of the office and coordination of office hours.
viii. Assigned other responsibilities at the discretion of the SGA President.
ix. Shall be responsible for tracking and coordinating the implementation of passed resolutions.
x. Shall coordinate efforts with administration, primarily the Office of Government, Corp & Foundation Engagement on issues facing Higher Education and the Student Body.
xi. Shall organize events with the Board of Student Body Presidents (BSBP) and the Regional Board of Student Body Presidents (RBSBP).
xii. Shall manage advocacy efforts with the city, Highland Heights, the county, Campbell County, and the state, Commonwealth of Kentucky.
B. The Student Senate
a. Membership
i. The Student Senate shall consist of a minimum of twenty-five (25) to a maximum of thirty (30) Senators.
b. The Senate Powers and Duties
i. Shall attend all meetings of the Student Senate.
ii. Shall attend and participate in all of their respective committee meetings and SGA retreats during their term of office.
iii. Shall serve on an SGA Student Senate committee as recommended by the Vice President to the President and approved by a majority vote of the Student Senate.
iv. Shall serve on a University standing committee at the recommendation of the President of SGA and appointment by the University president.
c. Student Senate Committees
i. Student Senate committees shall be reviewed on an annual basis to check for continued relevance and mission.
d. Academic Excellence Committee
i. Shall address concerns regarding policies, programs, and initiatives regarding student academic success.
ii. Shall give reports to the Student Senate on emerging university programs regarding academic success.
e. University Improvements Committee
i. Shall address the student perspective of campus beautification and capital projects.
ii. Shall address parking, food service and space concerns
iii. Shall address concerns pertaining to quality of life on campus.
f. Student Advocacy Committee
i. Shall address grievances made by the student body.
ii. Shall review the Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities and provide the Dean of Student with any concerns or issues resulting from said review.
iii. Shall review university polices that may affect the rights of students
iv. Shall recommend and draft any amendments to the SGA Constitution or By-Laws regarding Student Rights.
g. Ad Hoc Committees
i. Shall be recommended by the President when a specific necessity arises. The purpose and need of such committees must be clearly defined by the President.
ii. When the President deems the purpose to be fulfilled, the committee shall be dissolved.
iii. Ad hoc subcommittee chairpersons and committee members may be any member of the student body in good standing as defined by the University.
iv. The chairperson shall serve as a non-voting ex-officio member of the Student Senate for the duration of the chairmanship, unless they are already a member with voting privileges.
h. Committee Chairs
i. The President, with consultation of the Vice President, shall appoint chairs and members of the Student Senate committees with a majority approval by the Student Senate.
ii. Shall direct and oversee legislation within the purview of his or her committee.
iii. Shall only be eligible to vote in his or her committee in case of a tie.
C. Judicial Council
a. Membership
i. The Judicial Council shall consist of five (5) Justices with one (1) member being designated as Chief Justice.
b. Chief Justice
i. The SGA President, with consultation of the Executive Cabinet and with a majority vote of the Judicial Council and majority vote of the Student Senate, shall appoint a chairperson from the Judicial Council membership to be designated Chief Justice.
ii. The Chief Justice shall serve as a non-voting ex-officio member of the Student Senate.
1. The Chief Justice shall attend all regularly scheduled meetings of the Student Senate and the Executive Council.
2. The Chief Justice shall preside over the meetings of the Judicial Council.
3. The appointment of Chief Justice shall occur by the second (2nd) meeting of the fall semester or within ten (1) official school days following the resignation or impeachment of the current Chief Justice.
a. The Judicial Council shall select an interim Chief Justice until a replacement is appointed by the President and confirmed by a supermajority vote of the Student Senate.
4. The Chief Justice shall maintain the office for no longer than two (2) consecutive yearlong terms.
c. Judicial Council Powers and Duties
i. Shall attend all meetings of the Judicial Council, which shall be set by the Chief Justice. Meetings of the Judicial Council shall be open to all interested parties.
ii. Shall attend all SGA Retreats during their term of office and shall attend all regularly scheduled meetings of the Student Senate.
iii. Shall review and approve the election rules and guidelines as recommended by the Commission; shall confirm dates for all elections as directed by this document.
1. Election rules and guidelines shall be submitted to the SGA Advisors for their review prior to the release of candidate election packets.
iv. Shall be assigned to a committee and will assist Senators in that committee with research for SGA initiatives.
v. Shall create and retain up-to-date contacts with comparison institutions.
vi. Shall review all constitutional and by-law amendments before the second reading of proposed changes take place.
1. Failure to supply a report to the Student Senate within five (5) official school days on the proposed amendment, the Student Senate shall assume that the amendment is constitutional.
vii. When any question of the Constitution shall arise, the Judicial Council shall define the meaning of the Constitution to the SGA within five (5) official school days.
1. If the SGA is aggrieved by the Judicial Council interpretation, it may appeal to the Office of the Dean of Students within five (5) official school days for a final determination.
viii. If a student concludes that an action of the SGA is unconstitutional, he or she may appeal in writing by means of the Office of the Dean of Students and no more than ten (10) official school days following the SGA action, to the Judicial Council which shall review the appeal and make a decision.
1. The Judicial Council must conduct a hearing and render a decision on such an appeal within five (5) official school days after the appeal is submitted unless an extension is necessary or reasonable due to the circumstances of the case.
2. If the Judicial Council decides that the said action is unconstitutional, the SGA must revoke the action and nullify any actions or legislation taken pursuant to the revoked action unless an appeal is filed with five (5) official school days with the Office of the Dean of Students
3. If the student is aggrieved by the Judicial Council interpretation, he or she may appeal to the Office of the Vice President of Student Affairs within five (5) official school days for a final determination.
4. Shall ensure all voting/polling areas are staffed by Senators and Justices serving their office hours or at another designated time.
Section 2: Terms of Office
A. A term of office shall be one (1) academic year.
B. All officials elected in the spring election shall assume office at the last regularly scheduled meeting of the spring semester following the oath of office delivered by the Chief Justice.
C. All officials elected in the fall election shall assume office at the first regularly scheduled meeting after the fall election following the other of office delivered by the Chief Justice.
D. The Student Regent shall assume this position following the oath of office for said position at the month of July Board of Regents meeting.
Section 3: Advisors
A. The Student Government Association shall be advised under the division of Student Affairs.
a. Advisors shall be appointed by the Vice President of Student Affairs. The Office of the Dean of Students shall act as the official account manager for the Student Government Association budget.
B. Duties and Responsibilities
a. Along with the Dean of Students, shall serve as the liaison between SGA and NKU administration.
b. Shall provide counsel to SGA toward its goals and in meeting its objectives.
c. Shall attend SGA meetings unless it interferes with his or her other duties as a University administrator.
d. Shall serve as a resource to SGA regarding university policies, regulations and parliamentary procedures.
e. Shall oversee the efforts of the Secretary of Administration regarding financial matters and shall review and approve all SGA expenditures.
f. Shall coordinate elections in conjunction with the Judicial Council and the Election Commission.
g. Shall ensure that university regulations, institutional policies, federal, state laws, and the SGA Constitution and By-Laws are upheld and adhered to by the SGA and shall take any reasonable or prudent Steps necessary to ensure compliance and protect SGA, students and the institution.
h. Shall review and approve all contracts and external agreements to be entered into by SGA.
i. Shall ensure that all members of SGA adhere to the minimum qualifications of their positions and shall remove those who fail to maintain said qualifications.
Section 4: Vacancies
A. Filling Vacancies
a. Board of Regents Vacancy:
i. If the President does not maintain his or her position as SGA President, a special election to select a full-time student member of the Board of Regents shall occur (KRS 164.321 (8) (a)).
ii. This special election shall be held no later than twenty (20) official school days after said vacancy.
iii. The student elected shall fulfill the remainder of the Student Regent term of office but shall not assume the duties of the President of SGA unless the elected person in the current Vice-President.
b. Vacancy of President
i. If a vacancy shall occur in the Presidency, the Vice President shall assume the office of the President.
1. A written letter of vacancy by the outgoing President must be provided in order to declare a vacancy in the presidency.
2. If, for some reason, a letter cannot be obtained, a supermajority vote of the Student Senate will serve to declare the vacancy.
c. Vacancy of President and Vice President
i. If both President and Vice President do not maintain their position within SGA, the Secretary of Administration shall serve as the chairperson of the Student Senate.
1. Until such a time as a special election can be held for the office of President and Vice President.
a. This special election shall not be later than twenty (20) official school days after said resignations.
2. The candidate selected from the special election shall immediately assume the duties of the President of SGA.
a. Any candidate already holding a position running for a vacant position shall maintain their position if they do not win the special election.
d. Vacancy in the Executive Cabinet
i. If a vacancy should occur in the Executive Cabinet, other than the Presidency, the President shall appoint an individual to fill the vacancy.
ii. The appointee/s shall appear before the Student Senate for a confirmation vote.
iii. Appointee/s shall receive a supermajority vote of the Student Senate to confirm their appointment to the applicable position.
iv. Fully appointed members shall serve the remainder of the term until the next Spring Election.
v. The appointed individual shall meet all qualifications for the Executive Cabinet prior to appointment.
e. Vacancies in the Student Senate and Judicial Council
i. Should any vacancies occur in the Student Senate, they are not required to be filled until the total amount of senators falls below twenty-five (25). However, vacancies can be filled at the discretion of the President before the total amount of Senators falls below twenty-five (25).
ii. Should any vacancies occur in the Judicial Council, they are required to be filled until the total amount of justices is five (5).
iii. If membership of the Student Senate shall drop below twenty-five (25), the application must remain open until all thirty (30) Senator positions have been filled or until the commencement of the week of spring midterms.
iv. Following the first meeting of the fall semester, if any vacancies occur in the Senate or Judicial Council the President and Secretary of Public Relations shall announce and publicize vacant positions to the student body and provide a period of no less than ten (10) official school days for candidates to file for consideration.
1. The Secretary of Administration then has five (5) official school days to interview and appoint applicants.
2. Following conclusion of application period, the Secretary of Administration shall begin an interviewing process as directed by Article IV, Section 4, Subsection A, Point f.
f. The Secretary of Administration shall adopt an interview committee for each vacancy application period. The committee shall consist of one Senator, one Justice, and one Executive Cabinet member excluding the Secretary of Admiration. The members of the committee shall be present at each interview and members may not change during the interview process, unless extenuating circumstances arise.
i. The Secretary of Administration shall serve as a non-voting member of the committee and supervise the interview process.
ii. The Secretary of Administration shall collaborate with the President to establish a base set of interview questions that will be used for each interview.
iii. Candidates grades will be checked when they have submitted their application.
g. Special Considerations
i. Should any vacancies occur in the Student Senate after the Spring Election concludes, but before the fall semester begins, the individual/s with the next highest number of votes in the Spring Election shall be appointed by the President.
ii. Should any vacancies occur in the Judicial Council after the Spring Election concludes, but before the fall semester session begins, the individual/s with the next highest number of votes in the Spring Election shall be appointed by the President.
Section 1: Election Schedules
A. Elections of Positions
a. The President, Vice President, Secretary of Administration, Secretary of Student Involvement, and Secretary of Public Relations shall be elected in the spring.
i. Candidates for President and Vice President may run as a slate
b. Twenty-five (25) Senators shall be elected in the spring.
c. Five (5) Senators who are in their first semester enrolled at Northern Kentucky University after graduating high school or receiving a GED shall be elected in the fall.
d. Five (5) Justices shall be elected in the spring
e. No Candidate may declare candidacy for more than one (1) elected office during any SGA election
B. Election Dates
a. Fall elections shall be held on the first Wednesday and Thursday of September.
b. Spring elections shall begin on the last Wednesday of March.
c. Elections shall start at 8:00am on Wednesday and end at 10:00pm on Thursday.
Section 2: Election Commission
A. Election Commission Rules and Guidelines
a. No current executive officer, senator or justice of the SGA may serve on the Spring Election Commission. No one running for election or having a significant relationship to a candidate (i.e. family, significant other, etc.) may serve on the Commission. Commission members who file for office at a later date or are determined to have a significant relationship to a candidate will be removed from the Commission by the Judicial Council. The Judicial Council shall appoint new members to the Commission if vacancies occur.
b. The Election Commission shall be responsible for the following:
i. Approving Election Rules and Guidelines
ii. Drafting election rules and guidelines
iii. Providing final election rules and guidelines recommendations to the Advisors
iv. Preparing election packets
v. Deciding when election packets shall be distributed for the fall and spring elections
vi. Resolving questions or concerns regarding how elections are to be held
vii. Enforcing election rules
viii. Creating election ballots
c. The Election Commission will serve as the initial interpreter of all disputes involving election rules and guidelines
d. The Election Commission may take action by a majority vote of those present and voting.
e. The Election Commissioner or his or her designee and the Dean of Students or his or her designee shall certify the election and public all election results
B. Fall Election Commission
a. For the fall election, the Chief Justice shall stand as the Election Commissioner and shall approve the election rules and guidelines on behalf of the student body. The Election Commission for the fall election shall consist of the Chief Justice and Judicial Council.
b. Any decision of the Election Commission may be appealed to the Office of the Dean of Students within 5 official school days.
C. Spring Election Commission
a. By the beginning of the third full business week of the spring semester, the Chief Justice, in consultation with the Judicial Council, shall provide the advisors a list of ten (10) individuals, from the student body, of which the Dean of Students shall select five (5) to serve on the Election Commission to be reviewed by the Dean of Students and ratified by a majority vote of the Judicial Council.
b. The Judicial Council and the Dean of Students shall ensure that the commission represents a broad and diverse range of student constituencies.
c. Any decision of the Election Commission may be appealed to the Office of the Dean of Students within five (5) official school days.
d. An Election Commissioner shall be chosen by a majority vote of Commission members. The Commissioner shall schedule and chair Election Commission meetings and meet regularly with the Dean of Students on all matters relating to SGA elections.
e. The advisors of the Student Government Association may serve in an advisory capacity to answer any questions for the Election Commission.
Section 3: Election Rules and Guidelines
A. Applicable to fall and spring elections
a. Election packets are due five (5) official school days prior to the beginning of the fall and spring elections.
b. Use of university listservs and phone rosters is strictly prohibited.
c. Candidates may present their platform for election via the SGA website to be approved and administered by the Office of the Dean of Students. This submission shall be limited to 200 words. Deadlines for submission will coincide with the due date of election packets.
d. No type of campaign material may be libelous in nature.
e. Any dispute involving election rules and guidelines must be submitted in writing to the Dean of Students.
f. All materials and posting of materials must follow established University policies.
B. Applicable to Fall Elections
a. The previous spring election rules and guidelines shall be enforced during the following fall election.
b. Any dispute shall be brought before the Judicial Council who shall stand as the Election Commission for the fall election.
C. Applicable to Spring Elections
a. Spring election rules and guidelines must be made available to the Judicial Council from the Elections Commission by February 1.
b. The Judicial Council must approve spring election rules and guidelines approval by February 15. If the packet is not approved by this date, the most recently enacted guidelines shall be enforced.
c. Election packet due dates shall be determined by the Judicial Council
D. Election Regulation and Grievance Procedures
a. The Judicial Council shall have jurisdiction in cases involving alleged infractions of the election regulations under the constitution.
b. Any grievance made by a student or a member of the Board of Regents must be filed in writing and turned into the Office of the Dean of Students within three (3) official school days following the election. Within three (3) official school days following the date on which the grievance was filed, the Judicial Council must conduct a hearing on said grievance. A decision on the matter needs to be decided within three (3) official school days.
c. The Judicial Council may declare a candidate disqualified or an election void if there is evidence of violations of standing election guidelines, fraud, and corrupt practice in the voting, the miscounting of votes, significant campaign violations, or ineligibility regarding a candidate’s qualifications.
d. If a part is aggrieved by a decision of the Judicial Council, that party may further appeal for final determination of the matter, to the Office of the Dean of Students with three (3) official school days of the Judicial Council’s decision for final determination of the matter.
Section 1: Regular Meetings
A. Regular meetings shall be held at least once per week during the fall and spring semesters, unless the University is closed or has a planned holiday that conflicts with the normally scheduled Student Senate meeting, to carry out the business of the Student Senate. A special meeting may be called by the President or upon petition by a majority of the Student Senate. Sufficient notice shall be given to the student population no less than three (3) official school days prior to the meeting unless extraordinary circumstances occur.
B. All meetings shall be open to the academic community. Any person recognized by the chair may participate in the discussion and raise any questions. A majority vote of those present and voting in the Student Senate also allows participation for specific individuals who wish to speak.
C. Legislation presented for the Student Senate’s consideration must be introduced, seconded, and voted upon by members of the Student Senate.
D. The Student Senate may meet as a committee of the whole in closed session, but may take no action. The official advisor shall be in attendance whenever possible.
Section 1: Impeachment
A. Grounds for Impeachment
a. Any member of the SGA that has repeatedly neglected his or her duties or who has committed any act that has brought discredit to the student body, is subject to impeachment. Neglected duties subject to impeachment include, but are not limited to, not fulfilling office hours, acquiring three (3) or more unexcused absences in a semester, and not attending retreats or other mandatory events. The SGA advisor shall determine approved absences.
B. Impeachment Process
a. A petition for impeachment proposed at a regularly scheduled meeting, seconded, debated and signed by a supermajority of the Student Senate, shall constitute an impeachment. This petition must contain grounds for impeachment.
b. Any SGA member impeached shall stand for possible removal by the Judicial Council. The Judicial Council will consider the impeachment charges and consider removal of the official member through a private hearing with the person(s) involved within three official school days.
C. Removal Process
a. All removal proceedings of executive officers, senators, or Justices shall be handled through the Judicial Council. The Chief Justice will serve as a moderator for these proceedings.
b. An author of the formal impeachment petition shall present evidence before the Judicial Council during the removal hearing.
i. The individual impeached shall represent herself or himself at the removal hearing.
c. The Dean of Students or his or her designee must be present at all removal hearings.
d. A majority vote of the Judicial Council shall constitute a decision.
i. In the case of a Justice’s impeachment, he or she may not vote on the matter of his or her own impeachment.
ii. In the case of no decision being made by the Judicial Council during the impeachment of a Justice, the Dean of Students shall cast the final vote on the matter.
e. A Justice or committee member will be disqualified and removed by the Judicial Council when sufficient proof of conflict of interest is established in the preliminary motions. A Justice or committee member may, with cause, remove himself or herself from a case.
f. The Judicial council shall establish its own procedures in accordance with the provisions of the constitution.
g. Any decision made by the Judicial Council shall be based on substantial evidence relating to:
i. Unfulfilled duties as defined in this Constitution or the bylaws of SGA.
ii. Any actions deemed as causing defamation or damages to the status of SGA.
h. Both parties may appeal the decision of the Judicial Council to the Dean of Students within three (3) official school days of the Judicial Council’s decision for final determination of the matter.
i. Once any member is removed he or she may not return to, or be affiliated with the Student Government Association for the remainder of their tenure as a student at NKU.
Section 1: Student Initiative Powers
A. The student body reserves the power to propose any act, measure or motion; or propose and enact amendments to the SGA Constitution and Bylaws by referendum independent of SGA. In addition, the student body has the authority to adopt or reject any measure, act or motion passed by SGA, and to recall any member of the SGA.
B. A petition for enactment of some bill or provision, or repeal of current SGA legislation, or recall of the member of SGA, must adhere to the following provisions:
a. The petition is signed by no less than three percent (3%) of the current student body.
b. Must be filed with the Office of the Dean of Students and the Judicial Council.
C. The Judicial Council shall declare a referendum or recall to be held no sooner than fifteen (15) official school days and no later than thirty (30) official school days for the purpose of voting on the measure. There must be sufficient notice provided to the student body before a vote can occur. The Office of the Dean of Students shall take whatever action is necessary to ensure adequate notice.
D. For a referendum to pass, it must receive a majority vote in an election and is subject to approval by the Vice President of Student Affairs, the President of the University and the Board of Regents (KRS 164.350).
Section 1: Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised (latest edition) shall govern the conduct of the meetings. The Constitution shall take precedence over Robert’s Rules of Order in any conflicting issue.
Section 2: All legislation must adhere to the following prescribed procedures.
A. Shall be distributed in writing to the Student Senate at least 24 hours prior to the first reading at a regularly scheduled Student Senate meeting.
B. Shall be formally introduced to the body by a first reading before the Student Senate.
C. Shall stand for a vote following a second reading before the Student Senate. This meeting shall occur no sooner than five (5) official school days following the first reading.
D. Shall be passed by a majority vote of the Student Senate.
Section 1: Constitutional amendment proposals and ratification
A. Proposals will be accepted for consideration and possible ratification from:
a. The Student Senate following a supermajority vote, or
b. A student petition signed by three percent (3%) of the student body, or
c. The Board of Regents
B. Ratification to the Constitution must adhere to the following provisions:
a. Must be reviewed by the Vice President of Student Affairs and the President of the University with his/her recommendations submitted to the Executive Council, and
b. Must receive a (2/3) majority vote from the Student Senate, and
c. Must receive a majority vote in the student body election, and
d. Must be approved by the Board of Regents (KRS 164.350).
Section 1: In order to further the goals of SGA, bylaws to this Constitution are established by the Student Senate.
A. Amendments to the bylaws must follow the legislative process and will be passed by the Student Senate by a supermajority vote following a second reading.
B. In no way may any bylaw contradict this Constitution.
Section 1: Nothing in this Constitution shall be construed in such a manner as to be in conflict with laws (federal and state), university policy, or the bylaws and regulations of the Board of Regents of NKU.
A. No proposed legislation is in order that conflicts with the laws of the nation or state, University regulations or policies, or with SGA’s Constitution or bylaws, and if such proposed legislation is adopted, even by a unanimous vote, it is null and void.
B. The NKU Board of Regents may amend or repeal any portion of the Constitution or action of SGA when, in the judgment of the Board, the interests of the university may require it.
C. This Constitution supersedes all provision of this Constitution are hereby declared to be binding and valid.
of the
Board of Regents Date of Approval: 4/26/2017
Student Government Association Date of Approval: 2/27/2017
Student Government Association Additional Changes Approved: 3/18/2019
I. Attendance
1. Representatives shall be required to attend all meetings of the Senate.
2. Members who arrive to meeting more than ten (10) minutes after its opening or leave more than ten (10) minutes prior to its adjournment shall receive an unexcused absence for the meeting, unless given prior permission from the Secretary of Administration.
3. All regular meetings of the SGA shall, when possible, be held in the Governance Room in the Student Union
II. Committee Work
1. Senators shall be required to serve on at least one (1) standing committee of the University and/or standing committee of SGA.
III. Miscellaneous Requirements
1. Each member of the Senate shall work at least one (1) hour during each general or campus-wide election, unless that member is a candidate in that election.
2. Each member of the Senate shall be required to serve at least one (1) office hour in the SGA office per week during the regular academic year working on SGA related causes. There will be no office hours required during holidays, breaks, or the week of final exams.
3. Each member of the Senate shall be required to represent a group of student organizations per S.O.R.P. (See 10. Miscellaneous)
I. Committee Membership Requirements
1. Membership and chairmanship of an SGA standing committee is restricted to Senators and Justices. All chairperson positions shall be semester terms.
2. Ad hoc subcommittee chairpersons and committee members may be any member of the student body in good standing.
3. All SGA standing committees shall be required to have at least two (2) members.
4. Members of the committee shall be required to attend all scheduled committee meetings.
5. Committee Chairpersons must report committee meeting absences to the Secretary of Administration.
II. Chairperson’s Authority
1. The chairperson shall retain final authority over the committee, and shall be responsible for the actions of the committee.
a) Committee members shall be responsible for all assignments given to them by the committee chairperson.
b) Committee members shall be in regular communication with their chairperson in regards to all assignments.
2. The chairperson shall be responsible for reporting to the Vice President and the SGA on the actions of the committee.
3. The chairperson shall be responsible for working with the Chief of Staff and their committee members for all proposed, pending, and final legislation.
4. The chairperson shall be the repository of all working documents of the committee and shall be responsible for submitting those documents for review.
5. The chairperson shall have the authority to name a Vice Chair, who will serve in the absence of the chairperson. Furthermore, this extends to the Chief Justice who will name a Deputy Chief Justice.
I. Budget Approval
1. The Senate shall approve or disapprove any budget submitted to it by the Executive Board within the first two meetings of the semester.
2. The Senate shall have the power to appropriate monies necessary to carry out its actions.
3. The Senate shall have the power to disapprove any monies spent by the Executive Board or the committee chairpersons not appropriated by the Senate, provided they show just cause.
4. The Senate shall be provided a detailed report of all expenditures from the SGA budget each semester. However, a report may be provided upon request, by the Senate with a minimum notice of (1) one business week.
II. Legislative Functions
1. The SGA membership reserves the right to enact legislation on behalf of the student body.
a) All resolutions must be submitted to the Secretary of Administration by 4:30 P.M. on the day before the next regularly scheduled Executive Board Meeting.
2. Only the Board of Regents, the SGA Senate, and the process of student recall can overturn a constitutional act of the SGA.
3. This legislation, provided it is not in conflict with the constitution of the SGA, shall be effective throughout the student body.
1. Agenda
A. Order of Business
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Reading of Minutes
5. Open Session
6. Liaison Reports
7. Executive Board Reports
a) Secretary of Public Relations
b) Secretary of Student Involvement
c) Secretary of Administration
d) Vice President
e) President
8. Committee Reports
a) Academic Affairs
b) Student Rights
c) University Improvements
9. Ex-Officio Reports
10. Advisors Reports
11. Old Business
12. New Business
13. Announcements
14. Adjournment
II. Time and Place of Meeting
1. All regular meetings of the Student Government Association [SGA] shall be held on Monday of each week, at 3:30 P.M. during the regular school year, provided it is an official school day.
2. No meeting shall adjourn later than 5:30 P.M.
3. All regular meetings of the SGA shall, when possible, be held in the Governance Room in the Student Union.
III. Definitions
A. Definition of Quorum
1. A majority of the Senate, excluding vacancies, shall constitute quorum with the authority to conduct business, as provided for in the SGA Constitution.
B. Definition of Vote Margin
1. The vote on motions to adjourn, to approve officers or their actions shall be determined by those Senators present and voting at the meeting.
2. The vote on any other matters and business before the SGA shall be determined by the total votes cast by those Senators present and voting.
IV. Adoption of Standing Rules
1. The SGA shall establish any standing rules of order it deems fit for the orderly process of business.
2. These standing rules shall not conflict with any of the bylaws adopted herein.
I. Respect and Courtesy
1. The first rule of order, it shall be remembered, is respect and common courtesy for one another.
II. Suspension of the Rules
1. The order of business shall be observed at all regular meetings of the SGA. A two-thirds vote of all present members may suspend the rules for a special purpose.
III. Waiving the Reading of the Minutes
1. A majority of those members present may waive the reading of the minutes.
IV. Supplemental Rules of Order
1. Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised, shall be used for all areas not specifically encompassed by the SGA Constitution, SGA Bylaws, or Standing Rules of Order.
I. Definitions
A. Business Casual Meeting
1. A business casual meeting attire shall be comprised of the appropriate dress. Please refer to the following categories for requirements for pants, shoes, tops, jewelry, and hats.
B. Casual Meeting
1. A casual meeting shall be determined by a passed motion, from a Senator in an SGA meeting, or through an executive order by the President.
II. Attire
A. Pants
1. Skirts or slacks (within reasonable color); no denim jeans, shorts
2. Skirts or Dresses must be of appropriate length
3. Belt is required with slacks
B. Shoes
1. Non-athletic shoes (including appropriately presentable boat shoes), no flip-flops, no open-toed shoes.
C. Tops
1. Collared shirts, sweaters, vests, blouses, turtlenecks and dresses are acceptable.
2. No spaghetti straps, no strapless shirts, no sleeveless shirts, no shirts with slogans or graphic art (with an exception to SGA sponsored apparel, within guidelines), no t-shirts (unless meeting is predetermined by Senate or Executive Order to be held as a “casual meeting”).
D. Hats
1. No hats
III. Enforcement
1. Any person in non-business attire shall be either dismissed from the meeting with an unexcused absence, or may be permitted to stay without voting authority and will be assessed an unexcused absence.
2. Any Senator has the authority to report violations to any elected officer.
3. The President has final say in any disputes concerning definition of “business casual”.
I. Committee Chair Consultation
A. Submissions
1. Resolution may be submitted by individual Senator or Committee (represented by the chair)
B. Chair Review
1. Chair shall review the research and language of proposed resolutions with their sponsoring Senator.
2. Committee chair shall meet with Chief of Staff and Executive Board for review.
II. Chief of Staff Review
1. Chief of Staff shall review grammar and spelling as well as format consistency with all legislation.
2. Chief of Staff shall return updated resolution to the sponsoring Senator via e-mail within twenty-four (24) hours after the Executive Board meeting.
3. Sponsoring Senator submits resolution to Secretary of Administration, via e-mail, to be placed on Meeting Agenda.
4. Secretary of Administration e-mails resolution to Senate 24-hours prior to Meeting (after Executive Board Review).
III. Executive Board Review
1. Executive Board offers advice to Committee Chair on resolution.
2. Committee Chair and/or Chief of Staff consults with sponsoring Senator regarding Executive Board’s review.
3. Sponsoring Senator resubmits resolution to Chief of Staff via email for First Reading.
4. Chief of Staff shall pass the resolution on to the Secretary of Administration to submit with the minutes and agenda for the next SGA Meeting.
IV. First Reading
1. Committee Chair shall announce resolution, along with any accompanying comments, in their respective report.
2. Under “New Business,” Committee Chair or Sponsoring Senator reads before the Senate.
a) Suggestive (non-motioned) amendments may be offered prior to the second reading.
3. Sponsoring Senator is responsible for acceptance or denial of ALL suggestive amendments proposed.
4. The amended resolution must be submitted, via e-mail, to the Secretary of Administration by 4:30 P.M. the Thursday prior to Second Reading
5. Secretary of Administration e-mails amended resolution to Senate 24-hours prior to meeting.
V. Second Reading
1. Committee Chair shall announce resolution in their report.
2. Under “Old Business”, Chair or sponsoring Senator reads amended copy before the Senate.
3. ONLY motioned amendments may be offered at this time.
4. Upon a “Call to Question”, the resolution is read as amended and a “Motion to Accept Resolution as Read” may be made.
5. Sponsoring Senator must submit final amended copy to Chief of Staff immediately following vote.
VI. Resolution Final Formatting
1. Chief of Staff enters amendments into final copy and notes as “PASSED”, “FAILED”, or “TABLED” as well as the appropriate resolution number following the appropriate format “XXXX-XXXX.XX” (i.e. Year-Year.##).
2. Chief of Staff shall place on the President’s desk for Consideration.
a) No legislation shall be submitted to the President unless ALL other signatures on the resolution are made.
b) Failure by a Senator to sign their resolution may result in a pocket veto.
VII. President’s Consideration
A. Signed or Vetoed
1. If not signed after (10) ten days of Senate passage, the Resolution is considered pocket vetoed.
2. If veto occurs, Chief of Staff shall note as “VETOED” until overturned by Senate.
I. Adoption/Amending
1. These Bylaws shall be considered adopted and/or amended upon a supermajority vote of the Senate following a second reading.
II. Timeline of Implementation
1. These Bylaws shall become effective (14) fourteen days after adoption.
III. Conflict of Constitution
1. These Bylaws shall not be construed or amended in such a manner as to be in conflict with the SGA Constitution.
I. President
1. The President shall be offered on-campus housing and a meal-plan for the entirety of his/her term, not to be paid via the SGA budget.
2. The President shall be paid minimum wage for each of his/her mandatory hours.
II. Vice President
1. The Vice President shall be paid minimum wage for each of his/her mandatory hours.
III. Secretary of Public Relations
1. The Secretary of Public Relations shall be paid minimum wage for each of his/her mandatory hours.
IV. Secretary of Student Involvement
1. The Secretary of Student Involvement shall be paid minimum wage for each of his/her mandatory hours.
V. Secretary of Administration
1. The Secretary of Administration shall be paid minimum wage for each of his/her mandatory hours.
VI. Chief of Staff
1. The Chief of Staff shall be paid minimum wage for each of his/her mandatory hours.
VII. Chief Justice
1. The Chief Justice shall be given a stipend of $300 per semester.
VIII. Committee Chairs
1. Each committee chair shall be given a stipend of $300 per semester.
I. Distribution of Documents
1. The SGA Secretary of Administration shall provide members with a copy, online or physical, of the Constitution, Bylaws, and Membership roster within two (2) weeks of appointment.
II. Town Hall Forums
1. The Student Government Association shall hold Town Hall Forums throughout the year in order to address the needs or concerns of the student body.
III. Student Organization Constitution Outreach Program (S.O.C.O.P)
1. The Chief Justice, in conjunction with the Judicial Council, shall maintain the Student Organization Constitution Outreach Program. This program is designed to reach out to Student Organizations that need or request help with the restructuring and organization of their constitution and bylaws.
IV. Student Organization Representative Program (S.O.R.P)
1. The Secretary of Student Involvement, in conjunction with the Senate, shall maintain the Student Organization Representative Program. This program serves as a way for Student Organizations to directly voice their comments, questions, and concerns to the Student Government Association.
V. Campus Beautification and Safety Walk
1. The Student Government Association shall hold Campus Beautification and Safety Walks throughout the year. These walks will be held to review our overall campus safety, as well as appeal, in order to see what can be improved and how we are performing as a campus.
VI. Executive Orders
1. An Executive Order shall be proclamation of the President enacting a policy implemented through the duration of their term. This order shall not violate nor contradict the Constitution or Bylaws.
2. The Judicial Board shall review all Executive Orders to ensure that they align with the Constitution and Bylaws. The Senate shall have the power to overturn an Executive Order upon a petition and supermajority votes. SGA Presidential Line of Succession
VII. SGA Presidential Line of Succession
1. The Line of Succession shall only be used if President cannot attend a meeting of the Student Senate.
2. Line of Succession
a. Vice President
b. Chief of Staff
c. Secretary of Administration
d. Secretary of Student Involvement
e. Secretary of Public Relations
f. Academic Excellence Chairperson
g. University Improvements Chairperson
h. Student Advocacy Chairperson
3. If a committee no longer exists, this line of succession shall be updated within (5) official school days