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Northern Kentucky University’s Outstanding Academic Advising Awards are sponsored by the Academic Advising Council. The awards are designed to honor individuals who have demonstrated the highest standards of academic advising in service of NKU students.
Eligibility: All current, fulltime NKU faculty, staff, or administrators with at least three years of undergraduate advising experience who fall into either category below are eligible for nomination. Past winners of these awards are eligible to win again. 

Awards: Plaque, and monetary gift to be determined

Criteria: Nominees will be judged on evidence that the advising they deliver to students exhibits the following:

  • Maximizes availability to students in formal and informal settings;
  • Builds positive student learning relationships based on trust and respect;
  • Demonstrates concern for the welfare of students by being a strong advocate; 
  • Encourages and helps student to become self-directed;
  • Assists students in setting realistic educational, career, and life goals;
  • Assists students in continual monitoring and evaluation of their educational progress;
  • Demonstrates a thorough knowledge of institutional policies, advising technologies, university policies, procedures, and academic requirements;
  • Utilizes creative problem solving and initiative to develop innovative approaches to individual and institutional changes;
  • Views academic advising as an integral part of the learning process.

Selection Process

1. Once a nomination is submitted, the nominee's direct supervisor or department chair will be notified of the nomination.

If the nominee's supervisor or department chair supports the nomination, further action will be taken.

If the nominee's supervisor or department chair does not support the nomination, no further action will be taken.

2. The nominee will be contacted and informed that he/she is an Outstanding Academic Advisor Award finalist. He/she will be asked to complete the Outstanding Nominee Form.

3. The Awards Selection Committee will review Nominee Forms and select finalists.

4. The Awards Selection Committee will put forward at least two advisors to receive the award.