In addition to Handshake, we suggest you review the list of categorized career-related websites that we have assembled. The websites contain information about specific career fields, job postings, job search tips, and current employment trends and issues. Click on Internet Resources to take you to these websites.
Alumni may find the “What Can I Do With This Major” resource helpful for exploring other career options for their degrees. Each major has a links section which provides field specific and/or job posting information.
The career library within Career Services has a number of print materials on the job search, including books with examples of resumes for experienced alumni and those looking to transition to another line of work. Our office also publishes guidebooks and handouts on topics related to the job search available in our office or by clicking Guides and Handouts.
Career Services has curated a variety of resources to help our students and alumni with the career development process and to foster career management skills. Here is a list of resources:
What Can I Do With This Major?
Guides and Handouts
Career Library (at Career Services)
Visit the Alumni Career Chats page to see videos of past alumni speakers!
Stay tuned for future alumni career chats! For assistance, contact Career Services at or 859-572-5680.