We can assist you with your job search by providing:
- Personalized feedback to update your resume and cover letter
- Access to our online job database system, Handshake (formerly HireNKU or Norse Recruiting)
- Job search strategies and coaching
- Information on how to use LinkedIn
- Ideas for ways you can build your professional network (such as LinkedIn, professional associations, etc.)
Online Workshops
Join us for 30-minute Zoom workshops - topics include resumes, cover letters, interviewing, LinkedIn, and more! Check
Handshake or our
Programs/Events page for upcoming topics and times, and to register.
Resume/Cover Letter Feedback
For a resume or cover letter review, send your document to
ResumeHelp@nku.edu for written feedback. In your email, please provide the following information:
- Why you are seeking a resume/cover letter review at this time.
- How will you be using your resume.
- The fields/positions that interest you.
- Any specific concerns/questions you'd like the reviewer to address.
Career Advising Appointments
Alumni may also call our office to schedule a one-hour appointment with a Career Advisor. Please check the navigation menu for additional alumni resources, such as Handshake. You will find great job search resources in the Student section of our website as well.