Are you a motivated individual with a passion for service? Check out our position openings for EngageKY and our extended network.
Kentucky College Coaches Program
To learn more about joining the EngageKY Staff, please reach out to Gayle Hilleke at
Through AmeriCorps VISTA, EngageKY is able to place over 50 VISTA members with educational institutions, non-profit organizations, and government agencies in Kentucky.
EngageKY VISTA members achieve the AmeriCorps anti-poverty goals through indirect service activities in the areas of economic development and opportunity, organizational capacity building, Pre-K to Post-Secondary educational programming, nutritional and community health awareness, leadership development, and assisting veteran and military families.
To learn more about current openings in the EngageKY VISTA Program, please reach out to Gayle Hilleke at
IKONC (Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio, and North Carolina, pronounced “iconic”) is a consortium of state civic engagement organizations based in higher education with the goals of educating students for active citizenship and partnering with communities for positive change. The four organizations are Community-Engaged Alliance (IN), EngageKY, Community Campus Coalition (OH), and NC Campus Engagement.
IKONC is proud to present the Communities Thriving AmeriCorps VISTA program, a powerful initiative combining higher education and AmeriCorps VISTA resources to empower low-income communities.
To learn more about current openings in the Communities Thriving VISTA Program, please reach out to Abby Huffman at
EngageKY is a proud sponsor of an AmeriCorps program entitled Kentucky College Coaches (KCC). KCC has two components.
To learn more about these positions, contact Shellie Baker at
Kentucky College Coaches is a statewide AmeriCorps program that places mentors in both secondary and post-secondary schools to support college access and student success. These AmeriCorps service members are tasked with acting as coaches to selected students, helping them be successful in all aspects of their school career.
At the high school level, the student participants are encouraged to think about, apply for and achieve acceptance to college or some sort of post-secondary option. This involves doing whole-school activities as well as one-on-one mentoring with core students from each grade level (9th-12th grade).
At the college level, the near-peer mentors will help the students engage in the school environment, experience academic success, and graduate with their chosen post-secondary degree or certificate of completion.
Western Region
To learn more about these positions, contact Shellie Baker at
We will post open national positions of interest as they arise. For those interested in all of the positions available within National Campus Compact, please visit their website for the most recent listings.
This is where we post all openings that do not fall into one of the above categories. They aren’t necessarily involved with the state of Kentucky or AmeriCorps in general.