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Outstanding Student Poster, Creative, and Oral Presentation Winners


2024 Celebration Presentation Award Winners:

Best Virtual Presentation:

Micahaila Landa

Best Creative Presentation

Blake Settle

Best Oral Presentation

1st: James Renton 

2nd: Brandon Ponomarew 

Best Poster Presentation:

1st: Vu Tran and Nathan Reed

2nd: Liam Barker AND Faith McNamara

Best Graduate Oral Presentation:

Kati Elliot 

Student's will initially be evaluated on their submitted abstract on clarity of explanation, writing quality and project quality.  Abstracts should be written in such a way that anyone can understand the purpose/importance of the project/creative activity. After nominees are selected, judges will visit their posters/presentations to evaluate them on the criteria provided in the rubric below.

Outstanding Poster Award

See Here for Rubric

A committee will review the electronic submissions of abstracts to identify 10 posters that they would review during the poster sessions.

Prior to the poster session, the committee will review the posters and evaluate based on the rubric below:

  • 10 Background/rationale/scholarly question
  • 10 Approach to question (e.g. thesis, hypothesis, methods)
  • 10 Conclusions
  • 10 Poster appearance/design
  • 10 Clarity to a broad audience  

Outstanding Oral Presentation Award

See Here for Rubric

A committee will review abstracts and identify the best five to evaluate in person.The committee will attend these presentations and evaluate based on the rubric below

  • 10 Background/rationale/scholarly question
  • 10 Approach to question (e.g. thesis, hypothesis, methods)
  • 10 Conclusions
  • 10 Presentation quality
  • 10 Clarity to a broad audience