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Institute for Student Research and Creative Activity
FH 255
Having trouble submitting your abstract? Check to see what email you are using - this should be your NKU email without mymail. That should address any problems on the student submission side.
The 2025 Celebration submission window opened January 2nd.
Upon submission of a student's abstract, faculty will receive an email to approve and/or edit the submission. Below are instructions to assist the process.
Author and sponsor names, project title and abstract will be published as submitted in the Celebration program booklet. Careful editing is required. We strongly suggest that applicants contact the prospective primary faculty sponsor for assistance with crafting a title and abstract. We also suggest that applicants run the abstract and title through a spell-check and language program to ensure correct spelling and grammar. All editing must occur before the project is approved for publication in the Celebration program booklet.
Abstracts are limited to 100 words. Here is a sample abstract.
Key aspects to include - max 100 words
Research and creative projects contain: A basic or applied research component or written documentation of a "beginning to end" creative process. Characteristics of the Research or Creative project are to be evaluated by the faculty mentor and department.
Characteristics of Excellent Projects:
Students give 10-12 minute lectures on their work. These resemble conference presentations. Audio-visual equipment can/should be used.
Poster - A poster is worth a thousand words!
During a two and a half hour session students discuss their research with attendees. Large boards with push pins will be set up around the room for displaying your poster. We provide the push pins and display material. These will be presented in the order of submission/acceptance and numbered for viewers.
These presentations will be in person but can take any form of artistic expression. The can include (but not limited to) musical, theatre, visual arts, or dance performances. Students may also present films or other artistic formats.
Students present as part of our online offerings and create 4 minute video presentations of their work. Typically this combines many of the aspects of both oral and poster presentations.