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The following Invitations for Bid (IFB), Requests for Proposal (RFP) and Requests for Quotation (RFQ) have been solicited by Northern Kentucky University Procurement Services. Current solicitations are posted in the NKU Planroom.

If drawings are required, they may be ordered from Lynn Imaging, please visit our planroom linked below.  Responses to Requests for Quotation can be sent either via mail or fax.  

Responses to Invitations to Bid and Requests for Proposal MUST be mailed or delivered in person.  They may NOT be faxed.

To be added to our bidder’s list, please register on our digital planroom.  Be sure to include all applicable CSI codes for your company so that you may be automatically notified of any solicitations that may be of interest to your company.


Eli Baird
Procurement Manager
AC 617




NKU Planroom Link

NOTE:   Northern Kentucky University, as an Agency of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, is subject to Kentucky's Open Records Laws (KRS 61.870-61.884).  As such, a bidder's entire offer and resulting contract cannot be deemed "confidential".
Proposals submitted in response to an RFP will remain confidential throughout the evaluation process, however, after negotiations are concluded and a contract has been entered into, all proposals become a matter of public record.  Bidders may mark sections of their responses as confidential, if the information provided would be considered financially sensitive or trade secrets.  The university will make every effort to honor such requests, but may conduct discussions with the bidders concerning the release of said information.


All Bids, Quotes and RFP's are due at 2:00 PM local time unless otherwise noted. Check Notice of Advertisement for Pre-Bid meeting details.




2023 Fiscal Year Bid, Quote, and RFP Opportunities:  In process