In order to keep an accurate record of all equipment that is being transferred or sent to surplus property, the following procedures have been created to make the process easier, along with a new surplus equipment transfer form and computer transfer from (These forms are available from Mail/Distribution Services or The Surplus Warehouse).
- The form is filled out by the transferring department and sent intact to Building Services (PA 100). Since this form also acts as a work order for surplus property pick up, it is not necessary to submit a work order for surplus removal.
- Please verify the inventory items to be sent to Surplus Property with your annual inventory verification list. Items that are not found on your inventory verification list (generally items with a cost below $500.00) should still be listed on the Surplus Property Transfer Form. Please ensure that item descriptions and tag numbers are accurate.
- If you have purchased items with federal funds, be sure to check your annual inventory verification list to confirm this. You can also visit the fixed assets SAP screen AS03 for information on fixed assets and to check if the equipment is tagged as federal or university owned. If the item has a G in the ownership/title column, then the equipment was purchased with federal funds and you should call Tina Herald at extension 6453.
- Upon receiving the form, an authorized agent from Procurement Services will classify and tag the items into one of three groups: reissue, surplus sale, or discard. All items (including items tagged as discard) must be accounted for in order for work control to take any of the surplus items to the surplus recycling center.
- Work Control personnel will pick up the surplus asset from the department and take it to the surplus property storage area where it will be sorted for sale or redistribution.
- Work control will then sign the form verifying delivery. The form will then be sent to Procurement Services for distribution to the appropriate departments (i.e., White copy to comptroller, yellow copy to Procurement Services, and pink copy to the transferring department).
- If transferring to another department, the receiving department will sign the form (as well as Work Control), stating that they received the transferred items.
If you have any questions on the transferring or surplus process, please feel free to call (Procurement Services) at extension 5265, Chuck Pettit (Building Services) at extension 6422, or Tina Herald (Office of the Comptroller) at extension 6453.