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NKU IRB Letters of Support

NKU is now allowing a letter of support OR an email for most studies being conducted at external organizations that do NOT have their own IRB. If the institution has their own IRB, click here for more information. 

A letter of support, with an actual signature, on letterhead is still required for research being conduct within the school system (grades k-12).

For studies not being conducted within a k-12 school system and not being conducted at a facility that has their own IRB, the checklist below MUST be used within a letter or email to ensure proper permissions are granted.

Permission Checklist

I have received a request to conduct a research study from ____________________________ a student/staff from Northern Kentucky University.

By agreeing to this study, I am certifying that:

☐ I have the authority to grant permission for research to be conducted at this institution.

☐ I have discussed the purpose and procedures of this research study with the researcher.

☐ The researcher can recruit participants at this institution.

☐ The researcher can collect data at this institution.

☐ I am aware that results from this study will be submitted/presented/published outside of NKU and outside of this institution.

 Institution Name:

Person completing the checklist name, role, and date: