Building Number: 0503
Building Code: NT
Assignable Square Feet: 45,930
Gross Square Feet: 77,338
Original Cost: $1,400,000
Replacement Cost: $21,500,000
Occupancy Date: August 11, 2014
The University purchased Lakeside Terrace, an independent living senior citizen facility, from the Campbell County Fiscal Court in 2013. Located just east of NKU’s Callahan Hall, in the East Residential Village, Lakeside Terrace was configured as efficiency apartments. After an extensive renovation in 2013-2014, Northern Terrace opened as a suite-style residence hall in August 2014. Each unit houses four students in a spacious setting and includes private bathroom facilities. With two wings and six floors, Northern Terrace has two elevators, and includes a large recreation/multi-purpose room. Like Callahan, it is served by the NKU shuttle.