Timeline of the 2023 Nominations & Elections of Faculty Senate,
Faculty Regent & University Committees .
October 18 - November 3/Extended for AtLarge & University Committees
Call for Nominations
November 17 - Hybrid Zoom/UC Ballroom 2-3pm
Faculty Regent Open Forum
November 20 - December 1
December 15
Formal Announcement of Election Results
Faculty Nominations: - Opens October 18
Who can serve on Faculty Senate?
For the purpose of election to and service on the Faculty Senate, faculty is defined
as General Faculty who spend 25% or less of their time in an administrative
appointment and who have held a faculty appointment for at least one academic
year before assuming a Senate seat.
Who can serve as Faculty Regent?
Faculty eligible to run for Faculty Regent must be of the ranked of assistant professor or above [KRS 164.321]. They are full-time teaching faculty, research faculty, or library faculty.
Who can serve on University Committees?
Financial Exigency - Full time Tenure & TenureTrack faculty
Faculty Handbook Financial Exigency Committee
Peer Reviews - Tenured full time faculty
Faculty Handbook 14.2.2. Composition of Peer Review Committees
Complaint Process Advisory- Tenured full time faculty
Faculty Handbook 14.3.3. Complaint Advisory Committee
Who can vote?
The General Faculty shall consist of all tenured and tenure-track faculty, and
full-time, non- tenure track renewable faculty. Full-time librarians employed
in faculty positions are part of the General Faculty.
Qualified faculty members shall receive an email ballot to cast vote on eligible candidates. Technical issues may be addressed to Grace Hiles.
Other questions or concerns may be addressed to Greg Hatchett or any member of the Faculty Senate Election committtee.
Additional information may be found in the Faculty Senate Constitution