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Step 1:  What is your business question

What is the question that you want to answer with your data?  Be as specific as possible.

Some things to consider:

  • Timeframe - Are you looking for current students?  Upcoming?  Last Semester?
  • Organizational Unit Level - Are you looking for all students in A&S?  Biology Students?
  • Majors Only - Are you looking for majors only?  Minors/Certificate/Non-Degree?
  • Phase - Applicants/Applications?  Enrolled?  Graduated?


Step 1a:  Submit your business question

Step 2:  Find Your Student List

Once you have your business question formed as detailed as possible, you will need to decide the base population (generally phase) you would like to start from.  If you think of the BW database as a giant storage facility filled with boxes that organize student records, this step will narrow the number of boxes that you need to look through to only those most relevant to your question.

Are you interested in applicants/applications?  Enrolled students?  Open Matriculated (admitted, eligible to register students who may or may not be enrolled)?  Graduated (or applied to graduate)?

The sections below will provide you with the best query to use, along with a few tips to help you pull the data accurately. 

If you are not a frequent BEx user, please take a look at our BW User Manual for a brief software/navigation refresher before continuing.  Additionally, please utilize our Data Glossary for any questions you have regarding field definitions.



Step 3:  What additional Information is needed

After you have narrowed your student group appropriately, you will now need to determine what information is necessary to display for that group.  This can be done by dragging in the free characteristics or student attributes needed, and arranging them to what makes the most sense to answer your question.

The reference reports are meant to provide in-depth information on each category (more fields) - all free characteristics for a given source are included.

If the data is not present in the report above, you can extract to Excel, copy the student IDs, and paste them into the Student Reference queries below.



If you need to merge the new column from the Student Reference query into your existing Excel spreadsheet, you can do so by extracting the data to Excel, moving the data into a separate tab within the same workbook, and using the VLOOKUP function.
