NKU has a long history of providing extensive student support services 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. However, navigating this system can sometimes prove challenging.
With that in mind, the MHAG created the NKU Levels of Care, a visual depiction of the tiers of mental health and wellness services that exist on campus. Its purpose is two-fold:
Overall, the goal is to make mental health care proactive, routine, and stigma-free.
Rachel DesRochers fully supports the message of gratitude and community building. From Head to Heart Mentorship, Gratitude Grams to Incubator Kitchen Collective, Rachel provides experiences and workshops to help you be your healthiest self.
More Information and Registration
In collaboration with the Office of Student Affairs, the Mental Health Advisory Group has created a “Gold Folder” for all university staff and faculty that includes important campus resources related to student well-being. Faculty and staff may refer to the Gold Folder for information about when, where, and how to assist students experiencing medical, mental health, social/behavioral, and conduct issues, as well as those experiencing victimization. An electronic versions may be found by clicking the following link.
The attached document, created in conjunction with the Gold Folder, will assist staff and faculty in determining the most suitable route for referring a student to the appropriate sources of professional/clinical assistance.