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The charge of the work group on Demographic/Labor Market Projections is to provide assistance to the Strategic Planning Committee in the follow ways:

  • Gather, review, and analyze data and other background materials on demographic/labor market projections that are influencing the future of the university, including, but not limited to, regional population projections; regional college readiness data; regional/state educational attainment rates; high school graduation rates; regional occupational projections and labor market data; and other demographic/labor market projections.

  • Based upon readings, analyses, discussions and input from subject matter experts and work group members, prepare a brief paper summarizing the demographic/labor market projections that that should be considered as the university develops its vision and strategic priorities for 2018.

  • Provide the paper and recommended reading list to the Strategic Planning Committee by March 18, 2013.

  • Provide additional support as requested by the Strategic Planning Committee.

  • Endorse, follow, and promote the guiding principles for the strategic planning process

What Do You Think?

If you have a comment or suggestion for the Demographic/Labor Market Forces work group, please share it with our members.

We created an online form for anyone who would like to have their ideas posted on this website. To access that form, click here.

If you prefer to express your ideas privately to only the work group members, our email address is

Facilitator: Lori Southwood Senior Director - Human Resources
Principal Writer Janet Harrah Senior Director - Center for Economic Analysis & Development
Recorder: Shirl Short Associate Director for Student Services & Programs - Career Services
SPC Liason: Diane Sticklen-Jordan SPHR, CC - HRC Inc.
Other members:    
  Ron Burse Senior - Public Relations Major
  Leo Calderon Director - Latino Student Affairs
  Amy Danzo Assistant Director - Testing & Disability Services
  Joan Ferrante Professor - Department of Sociology, Anthropology & Philosophy
  Sandi Gillilan Director of Academic Planning & Assessment - Academic Affairs
  Dennis Hornabach Dean - Chase College of Law
  Gail Messmer LEAP Coordinator - Student Achievement Center
  Dannie Moore Associate Dean & Director - African American Student Affairs
  Erin Mulligan Assistant Director of IR Operations - Institutional Research
  Paul Orscheln Associate Vice President - Enrollment Management
  Randy Pennington Professor & Director of Choral Activities - Department of Music
  Kristine Pfendt Associate Professor - Department of Nursing