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NKU Diversity Plan

NKU Diversity Plan Self-Assessment November 2012

NKU Foundations of Excellence

NKU Campus Technology Plan

NKU Quality Enhancement Program (QEP)

2011-15 Statewide Strategic Agenda Stronger by Degrees

2011-15 Statewide Performance Metrics

2010-11 NCHEMS data Published 12/10/2012

Strategic Planning Committee Data Book 2013

Other suggested readings:

Understanding the Effects of State Oversight and Fiscal Policy on University Resources (Society for College and University Planning) January-March 2013

Keller, G.  (1983).  Academic strategy : The management revolution in American higher education. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press.

Seymour, D. T. (1993). On Q: Causing quality in higher education. Chapter 2: Strategic quality management on campus (pp. 22-40). Phoenix, AZ: The Oryx Press.

This chapter provides a quick overview of the strategic quality management approach, which suggests the function of the administration is to be responsible for fostering improvement by encouraging faculty and staff to understand the processes within their role.

Bogue, E. G., & Saunders, R. L. (1992). The evidence for quality. Chapter 10: Developing a strategic vision of academic quality (pp. 247-280). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

In the concluding chapter of this book, the authors examine the development of a strategic vision of quality, specifically what that means and its application in practice.

Rowley, D. J., & Sherman, H. (2001). From strategy to change: Implementing the plan in higher education. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

This book is the conclusion in a series documenting the strategic planning process in higher education. In this edition, the authors formulate a process for successful implementation of a strategic plan within the often bureaucratic higher education environment.