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Northern Kentucky University utilizes a Formal Grievance Process for all qualifying allegations of sexual harassment (including sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, and stalking) and other sex-based offenses involving students, staff, administrators, or faculty members.

The Formal Grievance Process relies on a Pool of University community members and external resources to carry out the process. The following University officials have been trained as Title IX Coordinators, Investigators, Hearing Decision-makers, and/or Appeal Decision-makers:

Lori Southwood, Title IX Coordinator and Chief of Human Resources

Keisha McCraney, Deputy Title IX Coordinator/ Investigator

Bob Alston, Dean of Students, Community Care & Student Conduct

Gina Combs, Clery Compliance Officer

Javance Sinclair, Director, Office of Community Standards and Care     

Natalie Gabbard, Director of Employee Relations & EEO

Sarah Pruess, Associate Athletic Director for Compliance & SWA Deputy IX Coordinator for Athletics
