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Big Interview
is a training tool that uses AI to help you practice for any interview! It's designed to boost confidence and give you a ready-made interview playbook.

  • Fast-Track interview preparation - must-know tactics you can master in 2 hours.
  • Interview training tailored to your situation - 200+ video lessons tailored to 1,100 occupations.
  • Mock interview practice sets - pick a set of questions and record your answers using a webcam. Practice both verbal and non-verbal communication skills.
  • "Answer Builder" tool for crafting perfect answers.
  • Immediate AI feedback on your answers.

Unsure how you may perform during your next big interview or finding yourself nervous about a face-to-face? Big Interview will get you more acclimated to the interview process.  

Access Big Interview and select "Login." Enter your NKU Username and password. (For mobile devices, you must allow pop ups.)  NKU alumni, did you forget your NKU login? Contact Career Services for alternate login. For quick start, see Big Interview Flyer (PDF).


Interviewing Techniques Workshop Videos

To learn about interviewing styles and techniques, watch a Career Services Interviewing Techniques Workshop. These presentations cover: styles of interview questions; types of interviews and the overall process for most organizations; appropriate attire for interviewing; techniques for answering questions completely and concisely; tips on body language and etiquette; and instructions for follow-up afterwards.

Interviewing Workshop Videos:

The workshops follow the Interviewing Techniques Guide, which is available on the Guides and Handouts page.


Mock Interviews

A "mock interview" is conducted as if it's a real interview, but in a low-pressure setting.  Feedback is provided to help you improve your interview skills.  There are two ways to schedule a mock interview with Career Services.

Mock Interview Service

Mock interviews are available in person by appointment throughout the year; call Career Services at 859-572-5680 to schedule a time with one of our Peer Career Coaches.  Treat this as a normal interview - wear interview attire, prepare to answer and ask questions, etc.  The Peer Career Coach will provide feedback and discuss ways to improve your interview performance.

Mock Interview Day

Offered annually, local employers are invited to NKU to conduct practice interviews with students. This opportunity is the closest simulation of a "real" interview available. The employers and students will conduct the interview as if it's a selection interview for employment, then the employer will provide constructive feedback. Students must schedule their Mock Interview Day appointment in advance, via Handshake.  



The Five Most Common Internship Interview Questions and How to Answer Them

Professional Dress (for interviews/work)

Professional Clothing Resources

Wear This Not That: A Millennial's Guide to Business Casual

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IBIS World gives you an edge in job interviews. Learn about any industry or organization in which you wish to work.