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Office Hours

  • Summer Hours: M-Th: 8:15 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.; F: 8:15 a.m. - noon
  • Call: 859-572-5680 (career advising appointments; mock interviews, questions)
  • Schedule appointment: Use Handshake or call to schedule with our team
  • Email: (questions)
  • Location: University Center 225

We are currently offering appointments by Zoom, phone, or in person. For more information, please review: Frequently Asked Questions.



Learn about yourself, explore career options, make career decisions, and put your plans into action. We are here to: 

  • Assist you with choosing a major, finding a co-op/internship, planning for graduate school, or finding your first full-time professional position.
  • Teach you skills in resume writing, interviewing, and job-search strategies.
  • Connect you with employers through career fairs, on-campus interviews, and the online Handshake job-posting database.


Steps to Get Started

  • Review our services listed below and on the menu.
  • Activate your Handshake account and begin searching for co-op/internship, full-time, or part-time positions.
  • Write your resume and upload it to Handshake.
  • Prep for interviews with Interview Prep, workshops, or a mock interview.
  • Follow the Career Development Timeline as a guide.
  • Attend our workshops or watch videos of past workshops.
  • Watch Candid Career video interviews of people doing careers you are considering.
  • Check out Job-Search Advice Videos.
  • Try GoinGlobal as a resource for 40 countries and 47 USA Cities.


Overview of Services

Career Advising
Career Library
Job-Search and Career Exploration Workshops
Handshake (job postings & on-campus interviews)
On-Campus Recruiting
Career Fairs & Special Events
Mock Interview Service
Co-ops and Internships
Career Development Course
FOCUS2: An Online Career Planning Tool



  • Summer interns and co-op students are invited to Cincinnati Intern Network Connection (CINC) events June 20, July 10, & 17. Includes FCC game. Network with students interning in Cincinnati and NKY. Details and website.
  • Read our spring freshman/sophomore newsletter.
  • Read our spring junior/senior newsletter.
  • Beware of Job Posting Scams. We will never contact you as "Job Placement Office." If you receive a suspicious email, contact us and forward it to
  • Watch videos of past workshops/events 24/7.
  • Handshake lists hundreds of internships/co-ops, full-time and part-time (off-campus) positions! Log in, activate your account and update your profile.
  • Parker Dewey Micro-Internships are short-term (5-40 hours), paid ($15-20/hr.), professional projects that can be completed remotely. Demonstrate skills, build professional networks, and explore career paths with a variety of employers while earning a paycheck! Details
  • IBIS World gives you an edge in job interviews. Learn about any industry or organization in which you wish to work. 
  • Beware of Job Posting Scams.
  • Difficult to attend NKU career fairs? See External Virtual Career Fairs (not associated with NKU).


Resume and Cover Letter Reviews

Email your document to
Please include the following:

  • Document in Word
  • What position(s) you're seeking
  • Any specific questions/concerns
  • Whether this is a class assignment

Information on writing resumes and cover letters.

Video: Brittany talks about her experience using Career Services