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Students walking together in the Student Union
Student Affairs Spotlight

March 2023 | Vol. 3, Issue 3

A Monthly Newsletter Publication of NKU Student Affairs and Enrollment Management

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Women's History Month at Northern Kentucky University
March is Women's History Month. In 1987, the US Congress designated March as National Women's History Month. This creates a special opportunity in our schools, our workplaces, and our communities to recognize and celebrate the often-overlooked achievements of American women. This year's theme is "Telling Our Stories". This theme presents the opportunity to different ways of telling women's stories including print, radio, TV, stage, screen, blogs, podcasts, news, art, film, social media, and more. Our events will highlight storytelling and other ways to express ourselves. Visit the NKU Women's History Month website for more information.


Upcoming Women's History Month Events

Wednesday, March 15
Breaking Down Gender Expectations: Your Story to Tell
Health Innovation Center 105 // 6:00p - 8:00p

Thursday, March 16
Working Moms
Student Union 102 & Zoom // 3:00p - 4:00p

Wednesday, March 22
Two Our Health: Two Women Who Changed Cincinnati's Health
Health Innovation Center 102 // 5:00p

Thursday, March 23
Green Zone Brigade Takeover NKU Day
Welcome Center // 1:00p

Friday, March 24
Campus Recreation Center, Victor E. Zone // 3:00p - 5:00p

Tuesday, March 28
Blood Drive
University Center Ballroom // 9:00a - 2:00p

Tuesday, March 28
Health in the Commonwealth
Student Union 107BC // 11:00a - 1:00p

Thursday, March 30
Health Discoveries from the Ohio Lesbian Archives
Student Union 108 // 6:00p - 7:00p

Friday, March 31
Trans Day of Visibility
Student Union Second Floor // 11:00a - 1:00p

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Get to know Javance Sinclair

Javance Sinclair

Javance Sinclair II joined the Northern Kentucky University Student Affairs team in November of 2018, after several years of experience in Residence Life at the University of Cincinnati. Javance had previous professional history as a residence life staff member and academic advisor in the state of North Carolina prior to moving to the tri-state area.

When he joined Norse Nation, Javance served as the Assistant Director for Student Conduct in the office of Student Conduct, Rights and Advocacy. Javance’s skills and dispositions as an educator, investigator, and administrator led to his promotion into the Director role with the Community Standards and Care office (formerly SCRA) in which he now serves.

As the Director of Community Standards and Care, Javance supervises the management of Community Standards and Care functions. Day to day, these duties include working with Residence Life Coordinators to support student behavioral interventions, investigating and resolving possible violations of NKU’s Code of Community Standards and Student Rights, or chairing the NKU Community Care Team to collaborate with campus partners in support of student success.

Javance also shares his time with the campus community and serves on the Bias Incident Response Team, Inclusive Excellence Committee, and the NKU Chief of Police Advisory Committee, all while making time to complete his dissertation research as a Learning Associate in NKU’s Doctor of Education program. Please click the following link to learn more about Javance’s passion for volunteer service and his goals for his role at NKU in the September 2022 edition of NKU Magazine.

Help A Norse

By: Dr. Bob Alston, Dean of Students

The Help A Norse initiative and website, launched in Fall 2022, are intended to streamline Northern Kentucky University’s approach for referring its learners to supportive outreach. The initiative grew out of continued conversations across NKU divisions and student support units about how we could collectively collaborate on student care, in alignment with the model created by the First Year Student Success Hub. Extended thanks are also due to UCAP’s Associate Director, LaNighta Reid, for the earliest known sketches of the Help A Norse website and for elevating the success of the initiative!

If you haven’t yet visited the Help A Norse page, please do. The page was designed to reduce the amount of institutional knowledge a campus community member needed in order to connect a student with support. Though each support area has their specializations, we wanted to provide as close to a ‘one-stop’ connection to resources as we could. In particular, we hoped the initiative would meet the needs of a part-time instructor or a seasoned academic advisor, at the same time as making it easier for a staff member to submit information without having to navigate the changes that can happen semester-to-semester.

For context, some reminders about what happens when you submit a Help A Norse report:

  • A staff member from one of our teams will respond to you and reach out to the referred student(s) as soon as we are able.
  • In order to facilitate an individualized response with the referred student, follow up contact attempts happen via phone, email, and an occasional visit to a residence hall.
  • We encourage the reporting person to remind the referred student to respond to our outreach since we might be able to help them.
  • We make connections, we document this follow up, and we close the loop as best we’re able with the reporting person and the student.

The Dean of Students team and the University Connect and Persist (UCAP) staff are grateful for the connections we’ve been able to make with students as a result of the reports you’ve submitted to connect students to caring resources. With the exception of calls to NKU Police for situations involving safety concerns, we are happy to report that the Help A Norse initiative has received over 525 notifications (and counting) that our teams have been able to collaborate care in support of a student. While not all situations can be supported by an NKU resource, our teams continue to link students with community resources as well. Thank you so much for this information and these opportunities to provide supportive and developmental services that can help students on their pathway toward an NKU credential.

In addition, based on the partnership established this past Fall, we’ve been able to connect over 20 students to the Northern Kentucky Community Action Commission and their supportive programs and resources. We also continue to encourage students that are seeking support in moments of crisis, or the folx responding to that student, to walk over to the Counseling Services office during business hours, or contact the on-call counselor after hours: (859)-572-7777 (University Police dispatch will connect the call.)

Our team members and I continue to be grateful to you, our campus community, for the care you show the students you serve. We’re also grateful as you continue to contribute to the culture of reporting and interconnectedness in support of students’ success at NKU. Thank you!

If you have feedback about the Help A Norse initiative, website, or would like to learn more about how the Division of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management collaborates care for our students, please email

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Spring into Action with Self-Care

A Message from Counseling Services at NKU

By: Brittany Combs, LPCA

Spring is coming upon us quickly with the official first day of Spring being March 20th. Spring brings with it so many wonderful things including a promise for warmer weather, pretty flowers, birds chirping and other wildlife coming out of hiding. BUT if you’re a college student, Spring can also mean one thing that is often deemed as awful, terrible, stressful, scary, or anxiety inducing…..EXAMS! Ugh!! Whether it's mid-terms or finals, the blooms of spring can create the opportunity for overwhelming thoughts and feelings. In some cases, symptoms related to anxiety can be helpful because it keeps us accountable and aware of what is going on; however, it can quickly become unhelpful and overwhelming if we allow it the time and space to take over and consume our existence.

So, the obvious question we ask is “how do we prevent this from happening”; thankfully, the answer is easy; SELF CARE! Self-care involves taking an active role in maintaining one’s own well-being through identifying and practicing opportunities for healthy coping and decreasing overall stress, which then leads to a decrease in anxiety. Sounds easy right? In theory, this all makes sense and sounds like something that should be simple, but the execution of this concept is where it gets tricky. Realistically self-care can be hard because it means something different for each individual. This means there is no ‘quick fix’ but rather a journey that takes time and effort to identify and adjust according to your own personal needs. Although it is essential to personalize self-care to fit you, you still have to start somewhere.

Spring into action with self-care by exploring the list below and pulling out a couple of options to try that catch your eye. Use these as a starting point for working towards decreasing overwhelming thoughts, feelings, and general anxiety. Get creative and have fun with them; mold them to fit the shape that you need!


  • Write, drawer, paint, sing, dance
  • Take a shower or bath
  • Garden/enjoy nature
  • Take a walk or go for a drive
  • Watch TV, a movie, or funny/relaxing video
  • Play a game
  • Clean or organize your environment
  • Read

Social/Interpersonal Coping

  • Talk to someone you trust
  • Set boundaries and say "no"
  • Write a note to someone you care about
  • Spend time with friends and/or family
  • Serve someone in need; encourage others
  • Care for or play with a pet

Cognitive Coping

  • Make a gratitude list
  • Brainstorm solutions
  • Keep an inspirational quote with you
  • Write a list of goals
  • Write a list of pros and cons for decisions/prioritize important tasks
  • Reward or pamper yourself when successful
  • Write a list of strengths

Physical/Tension Releasers

  • Get enough sleep
  • Eat healthy foods
  • Get into a good routine
  • Limit caffeine
  • Practice deep/slow breathing
  • Exercise or play a sport
  • Cry or Laugh
The most important thing to remember about self-care is that it is important to take care of YOU! If you feel overwhelmed or overexerted, you are not able to complete tasks such as writing a paper or taking an exam to your fullest ability. I can guarantee that you spend so much of your time putting all of your efforts into other things; it is time you give some of that effort to taking care of yourself.

Get to know Dr. Randy Cutler

Dr. Randy Cutler
This month, we are honoring the one and only Dr. Randy Cutler, Clinical Psychologist at Counseling Services. Dr. Cutler just celebrated his 10th anniversary at Northern Kentucky University earlier this month. Dr. Cutler is known for his pleasant, calm demeanor around the office. He’s a great support for his fellow colleagues and he never hesitates to throw in a little humor. Dr. Cutler is passionate about his work with students and he enjoys leading students in their journey of becoming the best version of themselves. He facilitates self-worth and growth in students and he appreciates one’s willingness to tackle the challenges they face. He understands it takes great vulnerability and hard work to engage in therapy. Dr. Cutler dedicates countless hours and energy in pouring into the lives of our student athletes. He is passionate about teaching the value of performance enhancement, specifically related to sports. Dr. Cutler is also proficient in psychological assessment and testing. We cannot say enough about Dr. Cutler’s dedication and diligence in serving our students and making our campus a more collaborative, healthy environment. Please join in wishing Dr. Cutler a Happy 10th Anniversary!

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Get to know Jeanine Horner, R.M., B.S.N., M.A.

Jeanine Horner
Jeanine joined the Health Services team in 2018. In addition to having a nursing degree and critical care experience, Jeanine brought her background as a health/science teacher and certified Athletic Trainer to better serve the health care needs of our students, faculty and staff. As an alumni of NKU, and the parent of 2 current NKU undergraduate students, Jeanine cares for the NKU community with a definite passion to help others. Jeanine often goes above and beyond to care for students, especially those who lack a local support system. She frequently organizes collection drives for Fuel NKU and the Care Closet. In her spare time, Jeanine is a devoted soccer fan, and often can be found cheering for her beloved FC Cincinnati team.


Money Made Easy

A Quick Guide to Financial Literacy

  1. Any budget is better than no budget.
  2. A penny saved is a penny earned. Really.
  3. Pay yourself first.
  4. Don't work too much.
  5. Start an emergency fund.
  6. Look at job salaries
  7. Don't borrow more than you expect to make.
  8. Finish school and finish on time.

Learn more here

A message from Student Wellness.

Healthy U with Health Services

Traveling in 2023 may be a wonderful way to recharge your mind, body and spirit. Restore joy and happiness while participating in activities dearly missed during the pandemic. NKU’s Health Services encourages you to “Get Out There” and enjoy life’s amazing opportunities. Travel, visit family and friends, attend concerts, and experience the sights, sounds, culinary treats of another American city or another country.

Planning ahead for your next trip certainly requires doing your homework. Prioritizing details and budgeting expenses are first steps to examine while planning to travel. Pre-planning may mitigate potential issues that can sidetrack your travel experience. Health Services also recommends investigating any current restrictions or policies dealing with cancelled or delayed transportation arrangements. When checking into proposed activities, inquire of any refund policy. Double check operating hours or limited space or availability of the places on your proposed itinerary. Reservations or a pre-purchased ticket may be warranted. Staffing and supply chain issues have impacted businesses and communities during the pandemic and these issues may be ongoing in some parts of the world.

Travel regulations are ever-changing; therefore, consider contingency plans if arrival time, cancellation or delays for travel or accommodations occur. Perhaps consider purchasing traveler’s insurance. Know the requirements with regard to public transportation, planes, cruises, or trains. Are masks required? Safely carry and store your identification, whether a passport or a driver’s license. Keep a copy of your medical insurance card and all medications with you for any emergency needs.

One simple step to promote seamless access to public travel is having your Covid-19 Vaccine records readily available. Fortunately for residents of Kentucky, The Kentucky Immunization Registry (KYIR) has a Public Portal for individuals to obtain a copy of one’s immunization documents if they were administered in Kentucky. Using the QR code or link below, residents can have a digital copy of Covid-19 vaccine records saved to their mobile device. These Smart Health Cards give fun seekers a valid, secure code to document immunization status in the palm of their hand. Before you embark on a new adventure make sure this code it’s just a swipe away! If you are in need of the updated COVID-19 vaccine booster, call NKU's Health Services at (859) 572-5650 for an appointment. Most of all, enjoy your vacation time and show Norse Pride while you are "out there!"


Food Insecurity & the Risk of Cognitive Impairment

More than 10% of U.S. households experience food insecurity, defined by the USDA as a range from high to marginal security to low and very low insecurity. Four factors underpin food insecurity:

  • Food being physically available. One's actual food supply.
  • Access to food. Both physical and economic access.
  • Food utilization. How the body processes nutrients. This is related to not just the foods we eat but how they are prepared, the variety in our diet, and how food is distributed.
  • Stability of the first three factors. If one's food intake is good one day but not another, you are insecure. If you intermittently have decreased access to appropriate nutrients, you are food insecure.

Read this important article by and learn more about why the work of Fuel NKU is so important.


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Congratulations to Sarah Aikman!

At the recent annual ACUI conference in Boston, Sarah Aikman, Interim Assistant Vice President for Student Engagement and Inclusiveness, was awarded the Presidential Award for Distinguished Service. This award is presented at the discretion of the ACUI President to honor an individual who has demonstrated exceptional and unique service in fulfilling the mission, goals, and values of the Association. Through the award, the individual is recognized for dedication to volunteering, encouraging staff to participate in ACUI programs, and advancing the work of ACUI through their contributions.

Founded in 1914, ACUI is a nonprofit educational organization that brings together college union and student activities professionals from hundreds of schools in seven countries. Its members work on urban and rural campuses, in two-year and four-year institutions, and at large and small schools They are students and administrators whose mission is to build campus community. ACUI enriches them all through education, advocacy, and the delivery of services.

Sarah has been a volunteer on both a regional and national level for over 20 years. She has served as regional conference chair, chair of two annual conferences (including the 100th anniversary conference), a member of the Board of Trustees, President of the Association, and Chair of the Education and Research Fund Program Team. Please join us in congratulating Sarah on this immense honor.

ACUI Presidential Award for Distinguished Service, Sarah Aikman
Sarah Aikman with CEO of ACUI
Sarah Aikman with President of ACUI
Green Zone

On March 23, 2023, from 1:00p - 5:00p, the campus is being transferred over to the Green Zone for our military-connected and veteran students, staff, faculty, and community. We will be having several events including a military and veteran resource fair starting at 1:00p in the Welcome Center. Campus and Community Resources will be available, and include the Cincinnati Veterans Affairs (VA) mobile unit, DAV, Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW), NKY Service Member, Veteran and Family Suicide Prevention Coalition, Admissions, Adult Learning Services, and UCAP. A list of all activities follows below:

  • 12:00p - 1:00p Resource Fair (Welcome Center)
  • 1:00p - 1:45p Resource Briefing (VA Medical & Education Brief)
  • 2:00p - 2:30p Choir Performance (Otto Budig Theater, UC 2nd Floor)
  • 2:30p - 3:00p Tour Campus Highlights (including a visit to the KY National Guard Display)
  • 3:00p - 4:00p SAVE (Suicide Prevention) Training (UC 135)
  • 4:10p - 4:30p Planetarium Show (Option 1)
  • 4:30p - 4:50p Planetarium Show (Option 2)
  • 5:00p Retreat by the KY National Guard & ROTC Students (in front of Steely Library)

During this event, most of the Green Zone Brigade will be wearing special NKU Gold t-shirts to show support for our military-connected and veteran students, faculty, staff, and community and will be available to answer your questions.

All military-connected and veterans should register at Green Zone Brigade Takeover NKU Day and make sure to stop by the resource fair for your special Welcome Bag.

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Upcoming Programs and Events

Events from Norse Violence Prevention


LGBTQA+ Ally Week and Pride+ Month 2023

LGBTQA+ Student Initiatives is excited to announce our first annual Ally Week from March 27 until March 31 to kick off our Pride+ Month celebration. We have a full week of activities intended for all students, staff, and faculty to support the LGBTQA+ community as active allies with the following events. For more information or questions, please visit our LinkTree or contact Dr. LaVette Burnette ( or Alex Vale ( in SU 314.

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Student Affairs and Enrollment Management Updates and Information

LGBTQA+ Student Initiatives

Chest Binders Campaign Success

In an effort to create an inclusive and identity affirming environment for our transgender and nongender conforming students, we are proud to announce the successful launch of the collaboration between LGBTQA+ Student Initiatives and the Care Closet to give free chest binders to our students. Within the first 24 hours, we had 116 shares/likes on Instagram and 7 requests for binders! The campaign is our first effort in creating a fully identity affirming service. Those who choose to wear chest binders on a regular basis report feeling more comfortable in their own bodies, giving them the opportunity to live a freer, fuller life on their own terms.

To apply, check out the Care Closet's webpage. For more information or questions, please visit our LinkTree or contact Dr. LaVette Burnette ( or Alex Vale ( in SU 309 or Carolyn Noe ( with the Care Closet in UC 142.

University Connect & Persist (UCAP)

University Connect & Persist (UCAP) has partnered with Special Events and Alumni Programs to create the UCAP and Gown program. The UCAP and Gown program offers graduating undergraduate students the ability to borrow a commencement gown Free of charge. There are a limited number of gowns and gowns are reserved on a first come/first served basis. Once you complete the interest form, you will be contacted by UCAP to set up a meeting. To fully reserve your gown, you must meet with a UCAP staff member. To submit a gown borrowing request, please visit our website.

University Connect & Persist (UCAP) seeks a motivated, positive, and responsible student employee to support student retention efforts and persistence to graduation. This position would start in the Fall 2023 semester. Please visit the NKU Jobs website to learn more and apply.


University Police

Congratulations to former student and (now) NKU Police Officer Will DeAtley for graduating from the Kentucky Department of Criminal Justice 20-week Basic Training in Richmond, KY. A year ago, he was an NKU Student Worker. Today, he is a Certified Kentucky Peace Officer. Well done, Will!!!
Will DeAtley

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Student Affairs and Enrollment Management Updates and Information

Campus Recreation

Join our Team! We are hiring for multiple positions in multiple departments at Campus Rec. Pay rates start at $9.75/hour and go up to $15/hour for different departments. Head over to to apply for Campus Rec jobs.

Group Swim Lessons Programs are back, and classes are starting soon. Register your kids today by visiting our website! The NKU Swim Lesson program provides swimming and water safety instruction for beginner through advanced students, aged three or older.

Get ready for a one-day Soccer Tournament and Regular 7v7 Soccer league! Our pre-season Soccer Tournament is on March 23, and the registration deadline is March 16. The 7v7 Soccer league registration deadline is March 23, and the season starts March 30, 2023. Visit to register your team or sign up as a free agent today!

Game Night at the Rec Center! There will be a NBA 2K Tournament on March 21. Come to the CRC Game Room with your friends from 5:00p - 8:00p! There is no need to sign up; just show up and play!

Geek your Health is back with another spectacular event for students. Join us for Jedi Training on March 21 from 7:00p - 8:00p. There are 44 spots open, and we will provide lightsabers for everyone. Reserve your spots today on our website. May the force be with you!

March Madness at the Rec! Join us for IM Basketball All-Star Week on March 28-30 from 6:00p - 9:00p! This is a walk-up event, so no registration is required.

University Housing

Student Employee of the Month

Chima Ekpendu

Chima Ekpendu
Chima Ekpendu is a junior health informatics major who is in his first year as a Resident Assistant in Callahan Hall. He is a first-generation college student from Nigeria who was born in Cincinnati, OH. As a student staff member, Chima has exceeded expectations by building intentional connections with his residents and peers. He was selected because he embodies "customer service, student support, community building, and dependability." In his free time, he enjoys spending time with his friends and playing basketball.

Congratulations Wendy Schindler!

Wendy Schindler, Associate Director of Student Support Services, was recently elected Vice President of NACADA for 2023-2024. NACADA is a professional organization for Academic Advisors at higher education institutions, promoting and supporting quality academic advising to enhance the educational development of students. NACADA provides a forum for discussion, debate, and the exchange of ideas pertaining to academic advising through numerous activities and publications.

End of Newsletter

This newsletter was created by David Berland on behalf of NKU Student Affairs. Please direct questions, comments, or updates to