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To: Faculty and Staff
From: Cady Short-Thompson, Ph.D.
President, Northern Kentucky University
Date: 07/01/24
Subject: July Update

Dear Colleagues,


Hello. I hope this email finds you well, enjoying the summer months. I write to share a few brief updates.

First, I want to inform you that Matt Cecil has accepted a role as Interim Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic and Student Affairs at the University of Wisconsin-Parkside. His transition from NKU to UWP begins immediately and I wish him well in this new chapter of his career.

Second, Bonita Brown has begun her new role as WSSU President today and I know you celebrate this achievement with her. I want to update everyone where her former portfolio units will now report. Effective immediately, the University Registrar will report to Academic Affairs. Given the academic focus of the Registrar and the constituents most served by the Registrar’s team are academics (deans, a-deans, chairs, advisors, etc.), I believe that this new organizational move will serve everyone well. Provost McGill will share the specific details with you soon.  Additionally, Holly Chason will report directly to me as the Executive Director of Planning and Institutional Research. We are excited to improve our institution’s data integration and accessibility, which will accelerate our institution’s data reporting and strategic planning and decision-making. In addition, Leah Stewart will report directly to me as she continues to lead as an Assistant Vice President of Enrollment Management. Under Leah’s leadership and partnerships across campus, our fall enrollments currently look promising—our new student confirmations are up 3+% and our transfer confirmations are up 33+%.  I ask each of you to offer students your very best NKU “relentless welcome” and help students to prepare and arrive on our campus successfully this August. Additionally, we continue to build out SLATE (our CRM for admissions, communication, and events) and prepare for our direct admit program launch and more. Finally, our housing applications and confirmations for fall are also up—compared to this time last year, we have 13% more students signed up to live on campus this fall.  

Lastly, we have numerous projects, task forces, and modernization efforts underway for the coming year’s work. So many metrics are showing positive results from our collective work and this summer, I can’t help but reflect and conclude that there’s nowhere I’d rather be than right here with you at NKU.

Thank you for all that you do to make NKU a special place for our students and colleagues. It’s NKU’s highly relational people that make us unique as an institution. I hope that you and yours enjoy the long Fourth of July holiday weekend!


