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Only Half of First-Time College Students Graduate in 6 Years (The New York Times) 2/26/2013

College Completion Must Be Our Priority (National Commission on Higher Education Attainment) January 2013

Using Student Services to Enhance Outcomes and Reduce Costs (Inside Track) December 2012

Research to Improve Retention (Inside Higher Ed) 02/07/2013

An Open Letter to College and University Leaders: College Completion Must Be Our Priority (National Commission on Higher Education Attainment) January 2013

Parents’ Financial Support May Not Help College Grades (The New York Times) 01/14/2013

'Noncognitive' Measures: The Next Frontier in College Admissions (The Chronicle of Higher Education) 1/14/2013

New Report Finds Economic Growth is Dependent on Educating Minority Students (Diverse Issues in Higher Education) 11/28/2012

As Minority Students' Completion Rates Lag, a New Report Asks Why (The Chronicle of Higher Education) 11/28/2012

Getting More Complete (Inside Higher Ed) 11/15/2012

Completing College: A National View of Student Attainment Rates (National Clearninghouse Signature Report) 11/2012

Promoting Student Learning and Institutional Improvement (NSSE 2012 Annual Report) November 2012

Need for College Readiness (AASCU) 10/30/2012

Tracking graduates' wages in Virginia (Inside Higher Ed) 10/17/2012

Retaining Students in Financial Distress (The Advisory Board Company) October 2012

Accounting for Differences in College Outcomes (Context for Success, HCM Strategists LLC) 9/11/2012

Finance Policy and Broad-Access Public Colleges and Universities: Opportunities to Spur Increases in Student Success (Center for Education Policy Analysis at Stanford University) 12/2011