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Current Term Payment

Payment Options

Failure to pay on time

Students that fall behind on the current semester payments will be subject to a 1.5% monthly account maintenance fee. A registration hold will be placed that prevents future course registration if the current semester balance is $500 or over.

If the student account remains unpaid at the end of the semester, then the student could be sent to a professional collection agency for further collection activity. All collection costs will be passed on to the student and this debt will be on their credit report. If still no action is taken then the invoice will be passed on to the KY Department of Revenue for further collection and the student will remain responsible for all collection penalties, interest and court costs.

Payment Plan for Past-Due Accounts

We can help you avoid the collection agency. If your account is delinquent and you cannot pay the balance due in full, please reach out to Student Account Services to set up a payment plan. The minimum monthly payment amount is $25 and the maximum repayment period allowed is one year (12 payments). In order to set up this payment plan, you must complete and submit the NKU Amended Statement of Obligation & Internal Payment Plan Agreement. Email us at to get the form and full details.

There is a $50 payment plan fee charged for the past due payment plan but no additional monthly fees and no collection costs will be added as long as you are able to make the agreed upon monthly payments. All payments on this plan are due on the 20th of each month. A Student Account Services hold will remain in place until the past due amount is paid in full. There is no penalty for prepayment. Paying more in one month does not reduce next month’s payment amount.

If you default on the new payment agreement, your account will be sent to the KY Department of Revenue for further collection, where all collection costs and interest will be passed on to you.

FERPA Financial Hearing

You have the right to protest the amount of this bill if you believe the tuition, fees or other charges are inaccurate.