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Faculty & Staff Resources


Mental Health services for Faculty/Staff:

Counseling Services does not provide mental health counseling for faculty or staff.

Mental health services are available for NKU faculty and staff through Aetna EAP services. Contact Employee Wellness or HR for more information about EAP mental health services.

Benefits eligible employees can access the EAP at any time by the following means:
Call the toll-free number for Employee Services: 1-888-AETNA-EAP (1-888-238-6232)
Web Site: You must use your company ID to log in: MYNKUEAP, password:eap


How to Refer a student for Counseling Services.

Are you worried about a student’s safety? Do you see possible warning signs?

How to Help a Student

Gold Folder

The At-Risk-Guide is a tool to use to stay aware of any risky behavior that might indicate a student needs further assistance from resources on or off campus.

The Referral Guide for faculty and staff is a comprehensive guide about when to refer a student for counseling services and how to help. You can also contact our office any time to consult about a student.

There is also information available about the Mandated Referral Process. 
